Fruit Tree Replacement Program
Jasper National Park
Most requested
Discouraging bears from entering the Jasper townsite requires a community-wide approach. Removing bear attractants keeps people safe and gives bears the best chance of survival. In the spring of 2024, Parks Canada launched a Fruit Tree Replacement Program for Jasper residents and businesses. This new initiative will provide leaseholders who remove a non-native fruit tree with a replacement non-fruit-bearing tree.
Parks Canada’s human-wildlife coexistence team responded to over 400 bear-related incidents in the Jasper townsite in 2023. Mother bears are teaching their cubs that the town is a good place to find food, and the bears are becoming increasingly habituated. Once bears feed on fruit, they will repeatedly come back for more and keeping these bears out of town is not possible while fruit remains accessible as a food source. While these animals are not demonstrating any aggression towards people at this point, bears in residential areas pose a risk to public safety. Incidents include bears feeding in trees near schools, daycares and playgrounds; unexpectedly encountering residents; bluff-charging dogs and people; and searching for food in buildings and backyards from sources such as bird feeders, coolers and compost bins. In Jasper National Park, bears naturally forage on a variety of foods including native berries, nuts, insects, roots, flowers, fish and small mammals. Encouraging bears to rely on these natural food sources gives them a better chance of survival.
Program highlights
- Jasper residents and businesses who removed non-native fruit trees from their properties between 2019 and 2023 will be given priority for replacement trees.
- Residents and businesses who remove fruit trees in 2024.
Tree types and availability
- A total of 300 trees will be distributed in May 2024 to residents, schools and municipal areas, with plans to expand the program in 2025.
- Six tree species will be available: native trembling aspen, paper birch, non-fruit-bearing columnar aspen, spring snow flowering crabapple, Amur maple and silver maple.
- Replacement trees will be approximately 6 feet tall and 1–1.5 inches in diameter, ensuring a strong start for growth.
- Delivery of trees is scheduled for late May 2024. Recipients are encouraged to plant their trees within two weeks of delivery to ensure optimal establishment.
How to participate
Contact Parks Canada by email jasperwildlife-jasperfaune@pc.gc.ca or call 780-820-0191.
Parks Canada will continue to take requests for fruit tree removals throughout the summer of 2024. The Fruit Tree Replacement Program will also continue in 2025. Interested residents are encouraged to sign up early to ensure they receive their preferred replacement tree species.
Parks Canada staff may be able to assist with the removal of existing fruit trees and the planting of new ones, to be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on tree size, complexity and staff availability.
Upcoming activities
Tree arrival
Replacement trees will arrive at Jasper National Park on May 22, 2024.
Replacement tree distribution schedule
Residents: From May 23 to May 25, approximately 140 trees will be delivered to residents.
Schools: On May 25, 30 trees will be delivered to Ecole Desrochers and Jasper Elementary School. These will all be native tree species, specifically trembling aspen and paper birch.
Municipal areas: From May 27 to May 31, 70 trees will be distributed to various municipal areas within the town. These trees will include a mix of columnar aspen, trembling aspen and silver maple.
Residents who have requested help with planting will be contacted individually to arrange for assistance between May 23 and 31.
Important considerations
Bird nesting window
During the bird nesting window, tree removals are restricted unless a comprehensive nest survey ensures no active nests. Regular removals will resume after August 14, 2024.
Planting instructions
Detailed planting instructions will accompany each tree. Please ensure to "click before you dig" by visiting utilitysafety.ca for information on underground utility lines.
Together, we can promote a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife.
If you spot a bear in the Jasper townsite, please report it immediately to Jasper Dispatch at 780-852-6155. Swift responses to bear issues in the park will help ensure public safety and deter continued bear incursions into the townsite. If you see bears being moved by Parks Canada staff, please move calmly out of the way.
Learn more about sharing habitat with bears.
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