Travelling by RV

Jasper National Park

Are you planning your road trip to Jasper National Park with a recreational vehicle (RV) or holiday trailer? Since you are driving a large vehicle, some extra planning is required to make sure you can navigate to the places you want to go. Make sure you know if your vehicle is too big for certain roads or parking lots. Consider taking a break from driving by using alternative transportation options.

Portions of Jasper National Park remain closed or affected due to impacts from the Jasper Wildfire. Please check for up to date information.

RV access and restrictions


Map regions
Map areas
Miette Hot SpringsMiette Hot Springs
Maligne ValleyMaligne Valley
Around townAround town
Icefields Parkway (93N)Icefields Parkway (93N)
Edith Cavell and 93AEdith Cavell and 93A
RV parking
RV parking
Region Name Parking Description Style
Around town Valley of the Five Lakes

Large parking stalls designed to fit all sizes of RVs and trailers.

Around town Lakes Annette and Edith

No RVs or trailers (max 6 m length)
Take a bike on the Connector Trails or catch Jasper Transit

Not permitted
Around town Pyramid Road (From Pyramid Lake Resort and walk about 1 km to Pyramid Island.)

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m
Take a bike on the Connector Trails or catch Jasper Transit to Pyramid Lake Resort and walk a short distance from there to Pyramid Island

Around town Pyramid Beach Road

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m
Take a bike on the Connector Trails or catch Jasper Transit

Around town Lac Beauvert (Parking lot 18)

No RVs or trailers (max 6 m length)
Walk or take a bike from the Jasper townsite or Wapiti and Whistlers Campground on the Connector Trails

Not permitted
Maligne Valley Maligne Canyon

Limited parking stalls in the main parking lot are suitable for small and medium RVs. Designated RV/trailer parking at Maligne Overlook parking lot which is a 500 m walk to the Canyon.

Maligne Valley Maligne Lake

Limited parking stalls suitable for RVs and trailers

Jasper East and Miette Hot Springs Jasper Lake

Designated RV/trailer parking

Jasper East and Miette Hot Springs Miette Road

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m
Trailer drop-off parking lot at the start of the road

Jasper East and Miette Hot Springs Celestine Road

Rough single lane gravel road with sharp corners

Not permitted
Mount Edith Cavell Cavell Road

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m
Trailer drop-off parking lot at the start of the road

Icefields Parkway Athabasca Falls

Limited parking stalls suitable for RVs and trailers

Icefields Parkway Sunwapta Falls

Not recommended for large RVs or trailers due to lack of parking

Icefields Parkway Icefields Centre

Large designated RV parking lot. Also serves as a self-registration campground overnight.

Icefields Parkway Toe of the Glacier parking lot

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m
Large RV designated parking lot at the Icefield Centre

Icefields Parkway Wilcox Pass Trailhead

Max vehicle length: 7.5 m


Alternative transportation options

Leave your driving stress (and RV!) behind.

Bus stop at Whistlers Campground

Public transportation

Bus stops are located at Whistlers and Wapiti campground, throughout the Town of Jasper as well as several nearby points of interest and attractions. Check out the full details and schedule here.

BYOB (Bring your own bike)

Bring your own bike… or rent one in town to visit nearby lakes and attractions following the Connector Trail network.

Shuttle services


Keep in mind that you can always call a taxi for quick and convenient transportation.

  • Caribou Cabs 780-931-2334
  • Jasper Cabs 780-852-4555

Still planning on driving? Check JasperNOW for regular parking availability updates at all your favourite locations before you head out for the day.

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