'Laana DaaG̲ang.nga, Swan Bay Rediscovery program
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

'Laana DaaG̲ang.nga, Swan Bay Rediscovery program is a summer cultural camp experience in Gwaii Haanas for Haida and other youth from all communities on Haida Gwaii and beyond.
Participants learn wilderness skills and marine skills, play games, meet physical challenges, receive teachings and personal support and get to experience a sense of community and connection to the earth that can empower them for years to come.
The program has many benefits for young people:
- It increases cultural and environmental awareness
- It helps to establish cultural identity
- It enhances self-esteem and confidence, and encourages positive social interaction between youth of many differing cultures.
- It connects young people to Gwaii Haanas through an interactive and engaging experience.
Related links
- DIY activities
- Explore ancient Haida village sites
- K’angGuu Gwaay.yaay, Plant Enclosures
- Cruise through an ocean teeming with wildlife
- Kayak up-close to nature and Haida culture
- Powerboating and Sailing
- Bird Watching
- Kayaking
- Marine mammal watching
- Fishing
- Hiking
- Camping and accommodation
- Volunteer
- Speakers series
- Artists in Gwaii Haanas
- Tours and programs
- Calendar of events
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