Counting glaciers
Mount Revelstoke National Park
Counting glaciers
An inventory of the alpine glaciers and icefields found in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier national parks was completed in 2011
Between 1978 and 2011, the area of Mount Revelstoke National Park covered by glaciers declined by 5.25 km2 from an initial total of 13.54 km2. The annual rate of loss appears to be higher since 2006 for both parks, suggesting continuing warming may be offsetting expected weather trends. A new glacier surface area survey is scheduled for both parks during Summer 2022. The results will be compared to those in the 2011 survey.

- Menounos B., A. Bevington, B. Pelto, C. Tennant and R. Wheate (2018). University of Northern British Columbia. Final Report for State of the Parks Report on Glaciers. Glacier and Jasper National Parks. Parks Canada Contract: RC17-3444.
- Wheate R. and N. Alexander (2013). Glacier Inventory Update Project. Glacier and Mount Revelstoke national parks. Technical Report, May 2013. Revised Version: September 2013. Parks Canada Contract 13-0117
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