Wapusk National Park blog
Wapusk National Park
Read Parks Canada’s blog posts and learn more about Wapusk National Park and the nearby community of Churchill. Whether it’s the work being done in the park, the history of the area, the plant and animal life in the region, or fun things to do, you’re sure to discover something new!
Day in the Life – Cracking the code with eDNA
Learn about how researchers are discovering more about aquatic life in Wapusk National Park.
Environmental DNA helping Parks Canada establish “fin-ventory” of fish species in Wapusk National Park
Read about how researchers are finding which fish species live in Wapusk National Park.
Love, Loss, and Raptors
Learn more about research to understand the golden eagle’s breeding and nesting behaviour and its migration between Kentucky and Wapusk National Park.
A Day in the Life – Goose Banding
Learn about how the Resource Conservation team researches geese in Wapusk National Park by attaching trackers.
Pick of the Season: Blueberry Jam
Learn how to make delicious blueberry jam with fruit picked around Churchill, Manitoba.
Pick of the Season: Cranberries
Learn how to make a cranberry cake with fruit collected near Churchill, Manitoba.
Churchill is the Greatest: 3 more reasons Time Magazine was correct
Here are three more reasons why Churchill is the Greatest.
Cape Churchill Caribou Scat Collection
Learn about how researchers in Wapusk National Park are discovering more about caribou using their feces.
Pick of the Season: Fireweed jelly
Check out the Pick of the Season series on Fireweed Jelly.
Pick of the Season: Labrador Tea
Check out the Pick of the Season series on Labrador Tea for historical uses and how to create a natural bug repellant.
Pick of the Season: Snow goose
Find a delicious recipe for marinated ginger garlic snow goose.
Join the Pod: 5 facts about beluga whales in Manitoba
This large group makes up one-third of all the belugas in the entire world.
She can dig it: Cultural Resource Management Advisor Sandra Hollender
Learn about cultural resource management in Wapusk National Park from Sandra Hollender.
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