Wapusk 25
Wapusk National Park
Though Wapusk National Park was only designated in 1996, the land itself has a long and storied history. This history holds great meaning for the surrounding local and Indigenous communities. As Parks Canada recognizes Wapusk’s 25th year, we’ll share stories from those with deep connections to this special place. Join us to learn more about the area’s history, how the park came to be, its flora and fauna, and the variety of work and research that happens in one of Canada’s most remote protected places.
Dr. Doug Clark on change
Read on as Dr. Doug Clark reflects on how Wapusk National Park is a place of regular change, especially when grizzly bears appear!
Dr. Doug Clark on dens
Learn about why bear dens are important to Wapusk National Park as Dr. Doug Clark shares tales from his research.
Dr. Doug Clark on cameras
Discover how cameras help researchers like Dr. Doug Clark learn more about polar bears and other wildlife in Wapusk National Park.
Evan Roberts
Read about what it is like to travel in Wapusk National Park from Parks Canada visitor safety officer Evan Roberts.
Heather MacLeod on the Wapusk Youth Camp
In its 15-year history, the Wapusk Youth Camp has built its share of strong leaders.
Matt Webb
Read how Wapusk’s park ecologist helps protect and preserve one of Manitoba’s only national parks.
LeeAnn Fishback on wayfinding
Read about how researchers, including Parks Canada resource conservation manager LeeAnn Fishback, get around Wapusk.
LeeAnn Fishback on weather
Discover challenges to doing research in Wapusk, including weather, from resource conservation manager LeeAnn Fishback.
Murray Gillespie
Learn about Nester One in Wapusk from former provincial game bird manager Murray Gillespie.
Nancy Spence
Read on as Parks Canada’s Nancy Spence shares memories from Wapusk National Park’s incorporation and visiting now.
Dr. Robert Rockwell
Ecologist Dr. Robert “Rocky” Rockwell shares observations and memories of his time in the park.
Russell Turner
Read about Parks Canada ecosystem scientist Russell Turner describe his work with caribou populations in Wapusk National Park.
Sandra Hollender
Read about Parks Canada cultural resource management in Wapusk National Park from advisor Sandra Hollender.
Dr. Wanli Wu
Take an imaginary trip to Wapusk National Park as Parks Canada researcher Dr. Wanli Wu describes what it’s like to be there.
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