Animals in Wapusk National Park

Wapusk National Park

If you were to visit Wapusk National Park in winter, the land might appear devoid of wildlife. But look closer: Wapusk is home to a surprising number of animals and each of the park's major ecosystems has its own distinctive community. In all, at least 38 mammal species and over 200 species of birds have been found here. 


Wapusk National Park provides prime habitat to mammals such as caribou and polar bears.


Find out about migratory and resident birds in Wapusk National Park.


Learn about the wood frog and boreal chorus frog, who adapted to live in the subarctic of Wapusk.

Marine wildlife

Check out interesting facts about beluga whales and the four types of seal near Wapusk National Park.

Remote camera images

View rare photos of polar bears and other wildlife captured by remote cameras installed at Wapusk National Park.

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