Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Volunteer with LoonWatch and count Common loons on lakes in Southwest Nova Scotia.

A classic! Volunteers paddle Kejimkuijik’s lakes looking for loons and chicks on one day in spring and summer. A beautiful way to help monitor an iconic species.
For the Mersey LoonWatch program outside of Kejimkujik, volunteers monitor loons throughout the summer at a lake near their homes/cottages.
Kejimkuijik LoonWatch Dates
- June 1, 2025 (Rain date: June 8, 2025)
- August 24, 2025 (Rain date: August 31, 2025)
In case of inclement weather
High winds and/or extremely rainy days represent a safety hazard and can affect loon visibility. In case of inclement weather, LoonWatch will generally take place on the following Sunday.
Who can participate
Anyone who enjoys paddling on lakes and observing nature.
Am I qualified?
Yes! It is not necessary to be an ‘expert’ on Common loon biology, but you must be interested in them and care about them. You must also be comfortable with paddling a canoe or kayak.
What you will be doing
Teams of LoonWatchers will canoe an assigned lake to provide a simultaneous survey of loon presence and reproductive activity.
LoonWatch observation forms will be collected at the Visitor Centre following the survey.
Time commitment
Lakes are surveyed from 12 noon until 3 pm.
A canoe and associated equipment must be supplied by the volunteers. There are opportunities to rent equipment from Jake’s Landing canoe rental (902-682-2282).
Backcountry LoonWatchers
Some LoonWatchers prefer to survey the more remote lakes in Kejimkujik.
If you have a truck with suitable clearance, you may welcome a rare opportunity to drive to one of the lakes in the park's south end. Beware that roads are very rough there!
For surveying our most remote lakes (Peskawa and Frozen Ocean), we accommodate one free night of camping on each lake on the night prior to LoonWatch. "First come-first serve"!
Backcountry LoonWatchers must pre-register.
How to sign up
Email benevolekeji-kejivolunteer@pc.gc.ca.
We will ensure that you have a canoe partner if you are coming alone.
What to bring
- Lunch
- Binoculars
- Pencil
- Canoe or kayak with paddles, life jackets, and small craft safety gear
- Bug repellant
- Sun screen
- Bird field guide (if you have one)
- Camera (Send us some photos of YOU in action!)
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