Volunteer program: Brook trout creel census
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Parks Canada invites experienced fly-fishers to volunteer for the creel census at Kejimkujik.

Join our team of fly fishing volunteers and collect important information on changes in Brook trout populations while you are fishing.
Brook trout are a good indicator of the overall health of Kejimkujik’s freshwater ecosystem. Information about this species helps staff understand the impacts of climate change and invasive species on the ecosystems, which helps to inform management decisions.
Who can participate
Significant fly-fishing experience required.
We provide training and measuring equipment for data collection.
A workshop is provided in the spring to new volunteers.
What will I do
- Attend an orientation led by Parks Canada staff and receive monitoring kits.
- Fly-fish in the Mersey River or Peskowesk Lake watersheds, in the southern district of Kejimkujik.
- Collect information about your catch (fishing success; fish size, age, and health condition).
- Report back and submit your monitoring kit results.
Time commitment
Any effort is appreciated. Fishers will complete a total of 150 hours together.
Volunteers will be provided with complimentary camping, when possible.
Fishing regulations
Creel census volunteers are subject to Kejimkujik Fishing Regulations. Anglers require a Parks Canada fishing permit and are not permitted to retain Brook trout.
April 1 to June 30, depending on river conditions
How to sign up
Email: benevolekeji-kejivolunteer@pc.gc.ca
Please tell us
- about your fly-fishing experience
- if you have a preference between the Mersey River and Peskowesk Lake watersheds
More information
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