Backcountry camping safety

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Travel in the backcountry can be challenging. Visitors should have navigational and camping and/or canoe-camping skills.


Obstacles could include tree deadfall, washed out paths or boardwalks, and unpassable rivers or brooks.

Paddlers may encounter high winds and waves at Kejimkujik.

Foul weather may force you to stay put until conditions permit safe travel.

Cell phone coverage is limited or not available.

Campers may encounter wildlife at Kejimkujik.

Be prepared

You are responsible for your own safety. Be prepared for changing weather conditions, be aware of hazards, and have adequate information and equipment to ensure a safe visit.

Be prepared for emergencies – medical or otherwise.

Your own safety is your first responsibility.

Prepare for your activity with AdventureSmart.

Current advisories, warnings, and closures
Important announcements, fire bans, rules, notifications, and active superintendent orders.

Wildlife safety
Campers may encounter wildlife at Kejimkujik.

Plan ahead

Be realistic about your abilities. Plan for your least-experienced and least-able group member. Provide for extra time and provisions.

Ensure you have enough daylight time to travel safely to your designated campsite.

Travel on the lakes in the morning to avoid windy afternoon conditions.

Share your plans with someone

Before you go, tell someone you trust where you are going and what your plans are. Contact this person when you have completed your trip.

What to bring (essentials)

What to bring
Basic first aid kit

You are expected to be self-sufficient while in the backcountry and it could be a few hours before emergency services can assist you or your party.

Your kit should include adequate supplies to cover the number of people in your party and should be sufficient to treat minor to moderate injuries.

Water, or a filtration system/purification tablets

Water is not provided.

Access to drinking water can be sparse along some sections. Be prepared to collect water and to carry it with you.

Purify all water taken from backcountry water sources. Never assume that any water source in the backcountry is safe to drink.

A topographical map and compass, and know how to use them

Kejimkujik's Backcountry Guide is available for download or for purchase at the Visitor Centre.

A GPS unit is a good additional tool but doesn't take the place of map and compass.

Fuel and a portable camp stove for cooking

Visitors should be prepared to cook on a camp stove.

Charcoal is permitted but is considered an open fire and may be banned in dry conditions.

Gas camp stoves are always permitted.

Check important bulletins for current advisories and warnings

A canoe or kayak

Most campsites are only accessible by water. If unsure about the site you are booking, contact the Visitor Centre at 902-682-2772.

If canoe rentals are required, please contact Whynot Adventure at 902-682-2282 or online at

Paddling safety

Bug spray Be prepared for biting insects such as blackflies, mosquitoes, and ticks.
Cell phone Carrying a cell phone is a good idea but beware that coverage is unpredictable.
Bear cables for hoisting food It is possible that the supplied bear cable is broken. We recommend that you come prepared.

Equipment rentals

Equipment rentals are available online from Whynot Adventure, the Keji Outfitters. Reservations must be made online in advance.

Pick up your rental at Jake’s Landing.

More information

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