7.0 Economic Benefits

Aulavik National Park

Management Plan


Section 7.03 and Article 8 of the ANPEA provides specific guidelines for economic benefits related to the park:

  • Sachs Harbour residents © Parks Canada Sachs Harbour residents
    © Parcs Canada
    Inuvialuit who meet or exceed the qualifications stipulated in any competition for public sector positions within the park shall be considered on a priority basis for recruitment to those positions.
  • Qualified Inuvialuit businesses, particularly those in Sachs Harbour, shall be given first consideration in instances when a government contract related to the park may be awarded without competition.
  • Inuvialuit have the first priority to apply for and acquire a business licence to carry on a business similar to that proposed by non- Inuvialuit operators.

In addition to the direction provided by these guidelines:

  • An employment and training strategy in support of these ANPEA guidelines, will be developed and implemented to assist Inuvialuit in gaining qualifications needed to compete for public sector positions related to the operations of the park.
  • The use of Inuvialuit businesses by tourists will be encouraged.
  • A memorandum of understanding will be developed between Parks Canada and IRC addressing economic benefits resulting from approved, non-Inuvialuit tour operators operating in the park.

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