
Aulavik National Park

Parks Canada’s monitoring work is the voice of flora, fauna and the processes necessary for a healthy functioning ecosystem. The information that we collect from insects, trees, fish and wildlife tells us their story. In Aulavik we use two key indicators to measure and report on how healthy our park ecosystems are: freshwater and tundra. Each indicator has five specific ecological measures used to assess the health of the indicator ecosystem. We regularly monitor and assess these measures to get a clear picture of whether we are successfully maintaining and restoring the park ecosystems. This helps us to plan and make decisions that will keep Aulavik National Park ecosystems healthy for the present and the future.

Parks Canada is responsible for monitoring the health and changes to ecosystems protected within national parks. In Aulavik National Park most of our projects are accomplished collaboratively because our landscapes are vast and we want to ensure we share and contribute to existing data that is relevant to the communities and region. Field work is conducted throughout the short summers while information sharing happens during the significantly longer winter months when most regional and cooperative board meetings occur.

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