“Nááts'įhch'oh” is the name chosen for the National Park Reserve by the following Elders: Gabriel Horassi, David Yallee Senior, Maurice Mendo, Frederick Clement Senior, Frank Yallee, John Hotti, John B. Hetchinelle, James Bavard, Norman Andrew and Leon Andrew. Parks Canada acknowledges the contribution of these Elders to the creation of Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve of Canada and thanks them – Mahsi Cho.
“Nááts'įhch'oh” is the Shúhtagot’ine language description of this mountain and it refers to its unique shape, which is sharp and pointed on the top like a porcupine quill.
The Shúhtagot’ine believe that “Nááts'įhch'oh” is a place of strong spiritual power, which can be bestowed on newborn children. This location is believed to be the area where the ancestors of the Shúhtagot’ine would camp while travelling with moose skin boats to see Nááteho, the Nahanni prophet.
Kenats’œdí Gha Kœdœ Hólî
Nááts'įhch'oh sñî la nê hek’£odí gha æôhda kœ ékanéht’e dahxáré bezí beghõt’ô: Gabriel Horassi, David Yallee Senior, Maurice Mendo, Frederick Clement Senior, Frank Yallee, John Hotti, John B. Hetchinelle, James Bavard, Norman Andrew h£ Leon Andrew. Parks Canada sñî edire æôhda ékanéht’e sñî godahxáré Nááts'įhch'oh nê hek’£odí gha hólî sñî ghõ suré máhsi gogenîhwhê.
Nááts'įhch'oh sñî la Shúhtagot’înê gokœd£ k’ç yœg£zi ôt’e. Eyii sñî la shúhtah, shúhnênê ch’áæôt’e h£ belô kwœh k’á k’oech’íge k’ç béorat’î gots’ê gotí ch’oh bech’óh láît’e t’á sã kanñ yœg£zi.
Shúhtagot’înê ededînê agenîwê dahxáré Nááts'įhch'oh sñî la suré y£díi nátse gots’ç h£l£ harœdi. Æéhtáre ts’õdane alé begúhåé sñî bets’ç náorœdi ghá nîdé eyii nê ts’ê sã yet’á edœgoredí gha asñî beghõt’a. Yahnñî ts’ç dene Náátœho héradí , Nahæanî gogha nakw£náareæê hîlé sñî Shúhtagot’înê kœ yets’ç æîts’éw£ æelá t’á nagereæó nîdé, eyii sã æelá tánagohwhœ dahk’£ gogñîæá harœdi.

This Commemoration Statement was placed by Parks Canada and Elders from Tulita and Norman Wells to celebrate the creation of Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve of Canada.
Parks Canada h£ Tulít’a h£ gots’ê Tåehgõhåî gots’ê æôhda kœ Nááts'įhch'oh, National Park Reserve of Canada hólî t’á kenats’œdí gonáæœtsñ gha kœdœ hólî nñt’ô ôt’e.
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