Meet Hayleigh, Geomatics Technician

It’s very hard to choose, but right now I’m thinking about standing on Nunaluk Spit in Ivvavik National Park, where the Firth River meets the Arctic Ocean, watching belugas feeding and hearing chunks of ice called “growlers” crack off and splash into the water!
Best project/study you’ve gotten to work on?I spent time last summer at the Pingo Canadian Landmark planning a way to monitor the height of the pingos. It’s important to know if they’re growing or shrinking. It should be a fun summer visiting this special site again and doing measurements with a drone!
Favourite part of your job?I love being able to work with each team at Parks Canada. GIS is a resource for everyone, and can help tell stories and solve problems in any area.
What do you love most about science?I love how I keep realizing how much there is to know – the land has so much to teach us, and I am reminded of that every day!
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