Meet Jacqueline, Resource Management Officer

Favourite part of the park?
There are so many incredible areas in the parks, but one place I especially love is the southeast corner of Ivvavik NP. Facing north, you can see the headwaters of the Firth River. To the south, you are able to see Vuntut NP, and to the west, is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And to top it all off you are in the spectacular British Mountains! Sometimes you can even spot trails left by the Porcupine caribou herd’s migration. It really gives you the sense that, in these remote locations, borders are somewhat meaningless, and each of these protected areas truly are part of a larger ecological system.
Best project/study you’ve gotten to work on?
My favourite project is whichever one is currently taking me out into the field! One that stands out more than the rest though are the remote wildlife cameras in Ivvavik National Park. There are 30 camera stands located in the park. Changing the batteries and memory cards on the cameras allows me to visit and experience a number of areas across the park.
When it comes to processing the images, it is a joy to see how the animals in the park behave without people around. Some of my favourite pictures have included a young moose playing in some puddles, and a wolf stretching. It’s always exciting to see what has been happening while we are away.
Favourite part of your job?
The best part about my job is definitely the people I get to interact with. From a great group of co-workers with an array of incredible talents; to locals with a passion and knowledge of the land; to the visitors who give me the opportunity to see things from fresh perspectives. Every person I have met while working with Parks Canada has made my experience here that much richer.
What do you love most about science?
I think the best thing about science is that you are constantly learning. Just when you think you have a system figured out, something new will present itself. This always keeps me on my toes, as I never know what new, exciting or interesting thing I will learn or see next!
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