Canada’s Biggest National Park includes a wide range of boreal forest habitats for migrating birds. Each spring and summer, biologists carefully deploy ARU’s (Autonomous Recording Units) in an effort to record bird songs. Recording bird songs is one way of finding out what kinds of birds are using different areas of the park and is just one of many methods used to monitor the park’s ecological integrity.
It turns out, those recordings are pretty relaxing as well.
Parks Canada is pleased to bring you some soothing sounds from four locations in Wood Buffalo. We have two versions of each for you.
1) A short clip of sounds from this location 1 minute MP3,
and (if you like what you hear)
2) A longer, 10 minute version. Soothing, relaxing MP3
Enjoy sounds from four Wood Buffalo National Park locations!
Location & Information | Recordings |
Hay Camp A woodland location full of deciduous woods and eskers by the Slave River in a historic part of the park. You’ll hear: Tennessee Warblers, LeConte's Sparrow, Yellow-rumped warbler and Swainson’s Thrush |
Hay Camp 1 minute MP3 Hay Camp 10 minute MP3 |
Salt River A marshy and wet area of mixed conifer and deciduous woods. You’ll hear: Alder flycatcher ("free beer!"), Swainson's Thrush, Clay-coloured sparrow (buzz buzz buzz), Savannah sparrow (tickity zeeeeee- say, American Robin , Tennessee warbler, Sandhill cranes in distance , White-throated sparrow ("oh sweet Canada Canada Canada" - high pitched whistle), Ruby-crowned kinglet, Common yellowthroat 3/4 in - "whitchity whitchity whitchity" (two counter-singing), Canada Jay, Woodpeckers |
Salt River 1 minute MP3 Salt River 10 minute MP3 |
Lane Lakes A mostly coniferous area of lakes, ponds, creeks and sinkholes in the middle of the park, accessed by a hiking trail near Pine Lake Campground. You’ll hear: Tennessee warbler, Ovenbird, Cape May warbler, Chipping sparrow, Swainson's Thrush, American robin, White-throated sparrow, some sort of woodpecker drumming in the background and a faint winter wren. |
Lane lake 1 minute MP3 Lane Lake 10 minute MP3 |
Whooping Crane habitat
Whooping Cranes are a species at risk and their nesting habitat is restricted in Wood Buffalo in order to safeguard them. Habitat is largely made up of wetlands and black spruce/tamarack woods. You’ll hear: Le Conte's sparrow, Nelson's sparrow, Lincoln's sparrow, Swamp sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, Whooping Crane, American Bittern, Sora, Hermit Thrush and Boreal Chorus Frogs |
Whooping Crane habitat 1 minute MP3 Whooping Crane habitat 10 minute MP3 |
For more information:
Lori Parker
Ecologist Team Leader
Wood Buffalo National Park
Ph. 867-872-7932
E-mail: lori.parker@pc.gc.caca
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