Local attractions and tourism
Quttinirpaaq National Park
Resolute Bay is the nearest commercial airline access point with flights from Iqaluit. You may wish to make a side trip to the picturesque community of Grise Fiord, Canada’s most northerly community. It is about 360 km northeast of Resolute Bay on the southern shore of Ellesmere Island.
Community Visitor Information
Resolute Bay Hamlet Office
Phone: 867-252-3616
Fax: 867-252-3749
Tudjaat Co-op
Resolute Bay: 867-252-3854
Grise Fiord Hamlet Office
Phone: 867-980-9917
Fax: 867-980-9954
Email: gfsao@qiniq.com
Grise Fiord Inuit Co-operative
Phone: 867-980-9917
Nunavut tourism links
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