How to get here
Sirmilik National Park
Travel to and from Sirmilik, from either Pond Inlet or Arctic Bay, can be arranged with local outfitters who are licensed to operate in Sirmilik National Park. Outfitters will take you to and from the park by either boat or snowmobile, depending on the season. In Pond Inlet, park staff can help you make the necessary arrangements with local outfitters. In Arctic Bay, call the Hamlet Office at 867-439-9917.
Air access to Nunavut
Canadian North (1-800-267-1247) offers scheduled flights to Pond Inlet and Arctic Bay via Iqaluit from Montreal, Ottawa, and Yellowknife. For quotes on charter service, please contact Air Nunavut (1-866-388-5888).If you are shipping supplies from an international location, please at least an additional allow 4-6 weeks for these items to clear customs on top of the normal shipping time.
Weather conditions in the north may dictate your travel schedule. Be flexible enough to allow for lengthy delays in your plans.
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