Boating, mooring and anchoring

Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Since Georgian Bay Islands National Park is an island-based park, it offers excellent opportunities for the avid sailor or boater to enjoy beautiful Georgian Bay's clear waters and breathtaking scenery.

Dock and mooring facilities

Dock space on Beausoleil Island is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. As there is a high demand for dock space, most docks are fully occupied for most of the operating season, especially summer weekends. If no space is available to tie up your boat on a dock, you can anchor in the water lots adjacent to Georgian Bay Islands National Park. 

Most docks offer the following services, however they may not be available at all sites:

  • Self registration kiosk and park information
  • Wildlife proof garbage and recycling
  • Composting toilets or drop toilets
  • Common fire pit

Boat specific docks

  • Frying Pan Bay North and South
  • Ojibway Bay
  • McCabe Rock
  • Wana Keta
  • Tobey Dock (Cedar Spring Campground)
How much does it cost?

When visiting the park by boat, permits can be purchased at self registration kiosks at each dock location. Please be prepared to pay with cash or by providing credit card information. Seasonal mooring permits can be purchase online prior to you visit. 

Applicable fees:

  • Day or over night mooring (per foot)
  • Daily admission (paid upon arrival)
  • Beaching or dingy passes

Parks Canada fees can be found here. Fees help maintain the park's facilities and services. 

Please pay fees immediately upon arrival as park staff will review boats for compliance. 

Fee update: Beginning in 2025, all visitors to Georgian Bay Islands National Park will have to pay a daily admission fee in addition to other applicable fees.

Things to keep in mind

Boater information

  • Dock space cannot be saved or reserved
  • Dinghy and tender vessels are not permitted on the docks, they can be beached with a valid permit
  • Quiet hours: 11:00 pm and 8:00 am (including generators)
  • Please note that while you may secure your vessel to rocks along the island shoreline, it is illegal to tie up to trees, any vegetation, or park signage.


  • Food and cooking related items must never be left unattended as this will attract wildlife
  • Ensure food is secured on your vessel


  • Some dock locations have firepits available
  • Firewood is available for purchase from a roaming barge
  • Collecting wood and natural materials from the forest is prohibited
Don't move firewood

Moving firewood, even just a few kilometers to or from a campground, is a common way for invasive insects and diseases to spread. Purchase firewood from the park and burn it in provided fire pits or leave it on-site to avoid transporting pests that may destroy our forests. Help us save forests.


  • While excessive noise is not allowed at any time of the day, visitors should be aware that quiet hours are enforced between 11:00 pm and 8:00 am
  • Noise can travel long distances over the water, please respect your fellow boaters and campers
  • Respect nature: leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures
  • Please leave your site as tidy as, or tidier than, you found it
  • Review the visitor guidelines and important bulletins prior to your trip 
Seasonal mooring permits

Purchase your seasonal mooring permits online prior to your visit.

Permits can also be purchased at the Honey Harbour kiosk or at the Visitor Centre in Cedar Spring. 

Notice to boaters
  • Yellow line 
    Visitor safety is of the utmost importance for Parks Canada. Boaters and visitors to Beausoleil Island rely on emergency services including police, fire, paramedics and Coast Guard vessels. Yellow lines on docks indicate that area as being reserved to provide space for emergency services to dock safely and securely. Thank you for your help keeping yellow lines free and clear at all times.
  • Docks are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and may not be saved. 

Learn more about the docks and facilities available at each location on Beausoleil Island, please review the maps below:

Beausoleil Island facilities map

A map of facilities around Beausoleil Island

Map legend 

Legend of map icons

Visitors with their own boats should obtain nautical map 2202, covering the eastern shoreline of Georgian Bay, before making their way to the park. These are available at most local marinas, hardware stores, sporting-goods stores or from:

Hydrographic Chart Distribution Office
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
1675 Russell Road
P.O. Box 8080
Ottawa, Ontario

Water Safety

When planning your visit, please take the time to ensure that you are properly prepared and outfitted to safely explore, experience, and enjoy Georgian Bay Islands National Park.

Visit these sites for information: 

Adventure Smart – Water Safety

Adventure Smart – Paddlesmart

Transport Canada – Safe Boating Guide

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