Georgian Bay Islands Xplorers Program
© Parks Canada
Hey Kids!
Do you like exploring, having adventures and lots of fun? If so, you can be a Parks Canada Xplorer! Pick up your Georgian Bay Islands National Park Xplorers booklet at the visitor reception centre in Cedar Spring on Beausoleil Island and get started on your first challenge. Complete the required number of tasks and you'll receive a collectable souvenir!
Georgian Bay Islands National Park is one of 40+ Parks Canada sites offering this new adventure program just for kids. Each has its own unique souvenir, so you can collect them all!
"The activities in my booklet were super fun and active. I'm going to do this again next year!" - 2011 Georgian Bay Islands National Park Xplorer

"I really enjoyed the book, it was great fun for my sister, parents and me to spend time together looking for the activities in my Xplorer booklet!"
- 2011 Georgian Bay Islands National Park Xplorer
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