Plans and policies
Pukaskwa National Park
On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.
The Parks Canada mandate
The Parks Canada mandate sets the Agency’s overall direction. Stemming from this mandate is the Strategic Outcome, or desired result, which is: “Canadians have a strong sense of connection, through meaningful experiences, to their national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are enjoyed in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations.”
Parks Canada exercises its mandate in the following ways:
- Protection of heritage resources – protecting for Canadians those natural and cultural resources directly related to the reasons for park or marine conservation area establishment and historic site designation;
- Fostering public appreciation and understanding – reaching Canadians at home, at leisure, and in their communities through communication and educational opportunities designed to increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of the significance of Canada’s national heritage places and why they should be protected and presented. By engaging stakeholders and encouraging shared leadership through active participation in the development and implementation of the Agency’s future direction, Parks Canada also seeks to broaden its base of support;
- Learning and enjoyment through meaningful visitor experiences – the sum total of a visitor’s personal interaction with a protected heritage place, an interaction that awakens the senses, affects the emotions, stimulates the mind, and helps the visitor create a sense of attachment and connection to these places.
A key principle in Parks Canada’s approach to management is the delivery of the three elements of its mandate in an integrated manner, that is, the elements are mutually supportive, and actions are carried out interdependently.
Park plans
Park management plan
This management plan for Pukaskwa National Park provides renewed direction towards achieving Park Canada’s mandate.
State of the park report
The purpose of a State of the park report (SOPR) is to report to Canadians on the state of a national park with respect to its Indigenous perspectives, ecological integrity (EI), cultural resources, and connection to place.
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