Park management plan
Pukaskwa National Park
Executive summary
This is the third management plan (PDF, 2 MB) for Pukaskwa National Park of Canada, located on Lake Superior close to several First Nations, and situated between Marathon and Wawa, Ontario.
Pukaskwa is in the home of the Anishinaabe, the Indigenous peoples of the northern Superior region connected by a common language and culture. First opened as a national park in 1983, Pukaskwa represents the Central Boreal Uplands natural region within Canada’s National Parks System Plan. It is characterized by rugged terrain, boreal forests of jack pine and white birch, rushing rivers, and a spectacular coastline. Visitors to Pukaskwa enjoy wilderness experiences in ways that include camping, hiking, interpretive programs and special activities, and have opportunities to learn about the Anishinaabe, plant and animal species, and natural processes. The park’s “signature” attraction is its 60-kilometre Coastal Hiking Trail and paddling route along Lake Superior.
This management plan for Pukaskwa National Park provides renewed direction towards achieving Park Canada’s mandate, namely: conserving ecological and cultural resources, fostering public appreciation and understanding of protected heritage places in its care, and facilitating meaningful visitor experiences. The plan was developed in consultation with the First Nations of the Northern Superior region and with Métis of the Lake Superior north shore. It was also developed with partner, stakeholder, visitor, public, and staff involvement. The plan is the primary public accountability document for the park and provides Parks Canada staff with a long-term framework for decision making.
This management plan includes:
- A vision for the park;
- Three key strategies which provide concrete direction for the next ten to fifteen years in order to realize the vision;
- Two area management approaches, which provide strategic direction to Hattie Cove (the front country of the park), and the Lake Superior Coast;
- An updated zoning plan;
- A summary of administration and operations;
- A summary of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) conducted for this management plan; and
- An implementation strategy that presents the planned actions.
In an effort to make the information available to you in a timely manner, the document is currently available in PDF format (2 MB). Should you require an alternate format or a hard copy please contact us by e-mailing: pukaskwaont@pc.gc.ca
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