Protected species profiles
La Mauricie National Park
Eastern Wolf
La Mauricie National Park is the most easterly Canadian national park that is still home to a wolf pack. The wolf is a key species in the forest ecosystem. As a predator at the top of the food chain the wolf ensures the health of ungulate populations.In 2015, Committe on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) listed the Eastern Wolf as a threatened subspecies.
Since 1987, the common loon has been a focus of concern for the park’s conservation team. Several measures have been implemented to lend a hand to this species that is very sensitive to its environment.- Artificial islands
- Protection of islands for nesting
- Continued monitoring
Surveillance of this emblematic bird is ongoing and visitors can participate in a real way in the actions of the conservation team. Upon your arrival in the park, the reception personnel will explain what to do and will provide you with a sheet to complete. Then it is up to you to pick your lake and to set out for an adventure! Once completed, submit your sheet to reception personnel.
These observations enable scientists to answer the following questions:
- Are there loons at this lake?
- If the loons have nested, have the eggs hatched?
- How many chicks are there?
- Have they survived?
These conservation efforts seem to be paying off since over the last few years, more birds have been observed and breeding success has been maintained.
Wood turtle
Wood turtle has been listed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) as a species of special concern. In a recent effort, the park team has sought to increase the population living inside the park. To this end, 16 juvenile turtles, aged 4 to 11 years, were relocated in the park. Monitoring of the turtles by radio telemetry showed that they quickly adapted to the park habitat. It is indeed possible to increase the turtle population in the park. However, there is one problem that has not gone away – namely, the scarcity of suitable habitats, which stems directly from manmade changes occurring in the previous century.The park team is currently assessing the potential impacts of re-establishing the natural water level of Wapizagonke Lake and the small watercourses located on its edges. In all probability, lowering water to its original level would contribute to improving the wood turtle’s habitat in two main ways. First, new beaches could be used as egg-laying sites. Secondly, the number of alder groves lining the lake and nearby streams would increase. In short, this measure would help bring back the wood turtle's original conditions.
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