Planned prescribed fires
La Mauricie National Park
Prescribed fires help to restore healthy forests, enhance habitat for wildlife and reduce the risk of wildfire.
These prescribed fires will go ahead only if weather and forest conditions permit it. We will notify the public as opportunities arise.
Modène Lake
Time of year: Spring or summer
Size: 15 ha
Location: Southwestern part of the park, between Modène Lake and Ile-aux-Pins Lookout
Objectives: The Modène Lake prescribed fire aims to restore a dynamic and self-sufficient pine forest and to introduce fire to the landscape in a controlled fashion where fire exclusion has occurred. This burning will also reduce the risk of fire in this highly flammable area.
Lac en Coeur
Time of year: Summer
Size: 90 ha
Location: North of Parkway, between Écarté and Soumire Lakes
Objectives: The Lac en Coeur prescribed fire aims to restore and maintain the diversity of the forest mosaic and to restore a dynamic and self-sufficient pine forest.
Lac du Genévrier
Time of year: Spring or summer
Size: 65 ha
Location: Northwestern part of the park, between Anticagamac and Wapizagonke Lakes
Objectives: This operation aims to stimulate the regeneration of white pine and red oak. It also aims to introduce fire to the landscape in a controlled fashion where fire exclusion has occurred.
Lac Hamel-Ouest
Time of year: Spring or summer
Size: 900 ha
Location: Northwest of the park, along the Matawin River and Lac Hamel-Ouest
Objectives: The objective of the prescribed fire is to restore and maintain the diversity of the forest mosaic and to establish a dynamic and self-sufficient pine forest. It will also restore a fire regime characteristic of the region. Fire regime refers to how fires naturally occur in an area in terms of frequency, intensity, and size.
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