La Mauricie National Park
Plant life is both varied and interesting and includes some 440 vascular species, 85 species of moss and 68 types of lichens. Amongst these plants, 70 species are considered both rare and of special interest. Here is a list of the most frequently observed species:
- Bluebead-lily (yellow clintonia)
- Dwarf dogwood (dwarf cornel, bunch-berry)
- Northern starflower
- Painted trillium
- Pink lady’s slipper (stemless lady’s slipper)
- Purple trillium
- Trout-lily (dog’s tooth violet)
- Wild Columbine
- Wild-lily-of-the-valley
Aquatic plants
- Watershield (purple wendock, watertarget)
- Seven-angled pipewort
- Variegated pond-lily (beaver-root)
- Fragrant water-lily (american water-lily, water nymph)
- Pickerelweed
Carnivorous plants
- Round-leaved sundew (dewplant)
- Northen pitcher plant
Observer’s Calendar
Spring wildflower bloom in the undergrowth
When: From mid-May to mid-June
Where: Along trails and portages
Orchids in bloom in the bog
When: From the end of June to mid-July
Where: La Tourbière Trail and at the lake head of Bouchard Lake
Aquatic plants in bloom
When: From mid-July to mid-August
Where: In the lakes’ shallow bays
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