Reptiles and amphibians
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve

A dozen species of reptiles and amphibians inhabit the islands of the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve and some of them are considered to be outside their known natural range. The presence of amphibians on the islands of the park reserve is surprising since amphibians are unable to tolerate the conditions of saline aquatic environments. It is therefore unlikely that the frogs, toads, tree frogs, and salamanders in the park reserve swam out from the coast to the islands. Their migration to the islands has no doubt been facilitated by humans who have transported certain individuals on their boats. It is also suggested that some amphibians and reptiles may have drifted from the coast to the islands on floating wood pieces and rafts.

Among the most common species encountered in the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve we can find the Eastern American toad, the Northern spring peeper, Mink frog and the Wood frog. These species are found mainly in peat bogs, in temporary lentic habitats (ponds, wet grasslands) or permanent ones (large ponds), and near moist portions of dead cliffs. The Blue-spotted salamander can be seen in the undergrowth or under the boreal forest tree stumps. Until now, the Common garter snake is the only reptile listed on the islands. Although, the Leatherback sea turtle sometimes visits the waters surrounding the islands of the park reserve.
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