Fishing for Lake Trout
Prince Albert National Park
Anyone who fishes for lake trout requires a free lake trout endorsement permit and tags in addition to the Prince Albert National Park fishing permit. This endorsement is only available at the Visitor Centre in Waskesiu Lake and the South Gate located on Highway 263. There are special conservation catch limits set for Lake trout in Prince Albert National Park. The annual catch limit is 2 lake trout per year, with a daily catch & possession limit of 1 lake trout. Anglers are only permitted to fish for and retain lake trout in the following lakes: Kingsmere, Sandy, Wassegam. It is mandatory for retained fish to be tagged, and the trout endorsement card to be filled out and returned at the end of the fishing season, regardless if you were successful or not. Completed trout endorsement cards can be emailed to panptrout-touladispnpa@pc.gc.ca or returned to the visitor centre, Kingsmere lake trout box (located near the washrooms at the Kingsmere Lake parking lot), or boxes located in fish cleaning stations at Sandy Lake, Waskesiu drive, Waskesiu marina, Heart lakes marina and the Narrows marina. For more information about fishing regulations in Prince Albert National Park please visit: https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/sk/princealbert/activ/experiences/peche-fishing
Catch and Release Fishing
Catch and release fishing may cause unintended mortality in fish, including lake trout, though anglers can limit their impact by following proper fish handling techniques. When practicing catch and release fishing in Prince Albert National Park, please follow these best fish handling practices:
- Keep fish wet! The more time a fish is out of water, the higher the likelihood it will die, even if it swims away when released. The less time it is out of water, the less stress you put it under.
- Be wary of warm temperature! Catch and release mortality increases when the surface water temperature and oxygen levels are low. Consider avoiding fishing during the hottest part of the day, and handle fish as little as possible in July and August.
- Handle fish carefully. Make sure your hands are wet and avoid laying the fish on abrasive surfaces like rocks, sand or boat bottoms. Do not hold fish by their gills - hold them by their tail and gently cradle their body. Look for nets with mesh made of soft rubber.
- Photograph fish with care. If you want to lift the fish up for a photo, keep it as close to the water as possible. Coordinate with your photographer to minimize the time the fish is kept out of the water (e.g., have your photographer countdown prior to lifting the fish out of water).
- Use barbless hooks. They are easier to remove and do less damage to the fish. Don’t have a barbless hook? No problem, crimp a barbed one with pliers!
- Catch and release may cause unintended mortality in fish, including in lake trout. If practicing catch and release fishing, please consider factoring unintended mortality of fish into your trip, and limiting your time spent on the water.
Visitors interested in more information about lake trout fishing regulations or safe fish handling practices can email: princealbertinfo@pc.gc.ca
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