Announcement – Appointment of Geneviève Charrois – Executive Director, Cultural Heritage

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the recent appointment of Geneviève Charrois to the position of Executive Director, Cultural Heritage within the Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage Directorate.  

Geneviève began her career in the federal public service at Parks Canada in 2000 within the then National Historic Sites Directorate. Before becoming an executive in 2014, she held a variety of roles in the functional area of cultural resources, from architectural historian to conservation architect to consultant.

Since April 2022, Geneviève has been the Director, Cultural Heritage Legislation, Policy and Planning; she has been acting Executive Director, Cultural Heritage since December 2023. Her greatest professional accomplishments have been in cultural heritage conservation initiatives.

Geneviève holds a bachelor's degree in architecture with a specialization in heritage conservation from Université Laval. She also holds a bachelor's degree in archaeology and a master's degree in architectural history from the Université de Bourgogne in France. 

Please join me in wishing Geneviève the best of success in her new role.

Ron Hallman

President & Chief Executive Officer

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud

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