The State of Canada's Natural and Historic Places 2011


Annex 3: Glossary - Indicators

Awareness: percent of Canadians that can do the following: a) name Parks Canada as the organization responsible for heritage places (unaided awareness); b) indicate that they have heard of Parks Canada (aided awareness).

Cultural Resource: a human work, or a place which gives evidence of human activity or has spiritual or cultural meaning and which, in either case, has been determined to have historic value. There are two categories of resources: Level I and II.

  • Level I: resources directly related to the reasons for designation as a national historic site.
  • Level II: a resource not related to the reasons for national significance.

Ecological Integrity: a nationally consistent summary statement that provides a clear assessment of the condition of an important element of a national park's ecological integrity (i.e. a major park ecosystem), and it is based on a combination of ecological integrity measures. In this report these ecosystems include forests, freshwater, wetlands, tundra, coastal, glaciers, grasslands, marine and others.

Enjoyment: percent of visitors that enjoyed their visit to a heritage place administered by Parks Canada.

Learning: percent of visitors that considered they gained knowledge about the natural or cultural components of a place administered by Parks Canada.

Public Appreciation: percent of Canadians that appreciate the significance of the heritage places administered by Parks Canada. Public Support: percent of Canadians that support the protection and presentation of heritage places administered by Parks Canada. Stakeholder/Partner Support: percent of Parks Canada's stakeholders and partners that support the protection and presentation of heritage places administered by Parks Canada.

Satisfaction: percent of visitors that were satisfied with their overall visit to a heritage place administered by Parks Canada.

Visitation: number of people who visit a heritage place administered by Parks Canada in a given year. For this report visitation numbers are from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. The trends are based on comparing 2010-11 visitation numbers to 2008-09.

Note: The indicators for Aboriginal relationships, assets and national marine conservation area health are still in development or have yet to be defined.

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