De Gannes Property

Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site

Like several of his neighbours, Michel de Gannes de Falaise (1702-1752) held a commission in the colonial troops. Born to a military family at Port Royal in Acadia, he trained in Québec but saw much of his service here alongside military in-laws and cousins. Twice during 1744, de Gannes was off making war in British-held Acadia, leaving this house to his wife Elisabeth de Catalogne and six children, age 12 to a babe in arms. Ask the servants here about Michel de Gannes, and about the other child he was supporting.

Just as a tidy insulating layer of Boston boards conceals the simple log walls of Michel de Gannes’s house the noble names of this family and the ones nearby disguise the presence of many humble folk around these properties. Rich and poor lived close together in the eighteenth century for the elite never doubted their superiority and felt no need to be isolated from lesser folk. Workmen and clerks laboured and sometimes lived in the nearby storehouses and plain carpenters and gardeners tended the properties. Tailors and wig makers made their rounds and nearly every household included at least one servant.

The lives of servants hide from scrutiny. One slave won freedom, married and acquired land; labourer's and fishermen's daughters might serve until they saved a dowry and could marry and raise a family, but many servants lived plain and silent lives, dependent on the families they served. In a little house like this one, a domestic would have been lucky to get a bed in the attic ⁠— some servants simply curled up in a corner of the kitchen. Despite their obscurity don’t forget the presence of servants and working people throughout the community.

The reconstructed site
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
Fortress of Louisbourg - Reconstructed buildings
On the map Building name
1 Desroches House (Wheelchair accessible)
- Dauphin Gate
- Dauphin Demi-Bastion
2 Powder Magazine
3 Barracks
4 Postern Tunnel
5 Embrasures at Lartigue
6 Lartigue House (Wheelchair accessible)
- Lime Kiln
7 Artillery Storehouse
8 Artillery Forge
9 King's Bakery Food service
- Woodlot
10 Duhaget House (Wheelchair accessible)
Garrison and Fortifications Exhibit
- Icehouse
11 De la Perelle House (Wheelchair accessible)
Congrégation de Notre-Dame Exhibit
12 De la Perelle Storehouse
13 Engineer's Residence
14 Laundry and Stables
15 Rodrigue House
16 Rodrigue Storehouse
17 De Gannes House (Wheelchair accessible)
18 Guardhouse
- King's Bastion
19 Military Chapel
20 Governor's Apartments
Fortress of Louisbourg - Reconstructed buildings
On the map Building name
21 King's Bastion Barracks
Reconstruction, Tools of War, and Archeological Typography Exhibits
- King's Garden
22 McLennan Centre (Wheelchair accessible) (Wifi available)
Virtual Reality Experience
23 De la Plagne (Wheelchair accessible) (Information)
24 De la Vallière House
Mi'kmaw Interpretive Centre
25 De la Vallière Storehouse
26 De la Vallière Storehouse II
- Fizel and Loppinot Properties
- Dugas House
27 Carrerot House
Building Techniques Exhibit
28 Benoist House (Wheelchair accessible) (Gift shop)
29 L'Épée Royale Café (Wheelchair accessible) Food service
30 King's Storehouse
31 Hôtel de la Marine (Wheelchair accessible) Food service
32 Grandchamp House (Wheelchair accessible) Food service
- Frédéric Gate
- Carcan
33 Grandchamp Inn (Wheelchair accessible) Food service
- Destouches House
34 Ordonnateur's Residence (Wheelchair accessible)
Recollecting Lives Exhibit & Harbour Gallery
35 Bigot Storehouse
36 Stables
- Louisbourg Cross
37 Marie Marguerite Rose plaque
- Eastward along the Quay
- Ruins Walk
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