Community Bulletin: Rehabilitation of Rideau Canal Walls at Clegg Street in Ottawa

Rideau Canal National Historic Site

Ottawa, Ontario, October 23, 2019 – Parks Canada would like to inform the public that work is now underway to repair 57 metres of the Rideau Canal walls, as well as the eastern pathway along Colonel By Drive at Clegg Street. 

Residents and visitors can expect temporary interruptions to accommodate this work including a pedestrian detour along the pathway, as well as intermittent, single-lane road closures and minor traffic interruptions. The exact details of the pedestrian detour will be provided as they become available.

Public safety is a priority for Parks Canada. We ask that all users of the Canal pathway and travelers in this area of Colonel By Drive exercise caution, and respect signage and work personnel on-site. 
Work is expected to be completed by the end of December 2019. Contractors will return to the site in spring 2020 to complete landscaping.

This work is part of the largest infrastructure plan in the history of Parks Canada. These investments in Parks Canada’s heritage, visitor and waterway infrastructure ensure safe, high-quality and meaningful experiences for visitors, enabling Canadians to discover nature and connect with history all across the country.

For up-to-date news on infrastructure work, please visit or email to be added to our community engagement list.

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