Port Severn Main Dam and Fixed Bridge Construction Update
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
January 28, 2021 – The Main Dam and Fixed Bridge project in Port Severn is currently in phase 2 of a two-phase construction schedule which includes construction of sluices 1-4 on the west side of the Main Dam and the adjacent portion of the Fixed Bridge.
Phase 2 work has been impacted by an inability to keep the worksite dry, leading to schedule delays. A main source of leakage into the site has been through the Common Wall, which is the existing concrete pier that separates Lock 45 from the dam. As the Contractors have been unable to prevent the leakage, the decision has been made to replace this wall. Work to de-water Lock 45 is taking place this week, and Contractors will move swiftly to incorporate this work into the project. This new required work means that the project will not be completed in spring 2021 as originally anticipated.
To ensure the safety of workers and residents, Port Severn Road will continue to be closed while this work is being completed. While a definitive completion date cannot be provided at this time, Port Severn Road is expected to reopen in summer 2021. Parks Canada and PSPC are investigating options and implementing contractual tools that are available to the Government of Canada to expedite the work and bring the project to its completion. Parks Canada maintains oversight on all projects and has worked closely with our colleagues at PSPC to reduce negative impacts to construction as much as possible.
Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available.

The Government of Canada has been investing over $48 million dollars over several years to support infrastructure work in Port Severn. This investment into assets in the community is part of the largest federal infrastructure plan in the history of Parks Canada. Once complete, the life and function of these structures will have been extended for decades, continuing to connect the community of Port Severn between Georgian Bay and Severn Townships. We appreciate your patience while we undertake these important investments into the waterway infrastructure in Port Severn.
For questions or concerns, or to receive email updates regarding this project, please contact us at pc.trentsevern.pc@canada.ca and include “Port Severn” in the subject heading. For news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit www.pc.gc.ca/tswSevernGravenhurst
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