Community Update: Work to Begin in Summer 2018
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Port Severn Bayview Dam E and Bridge
January 19, 2018 – In mid-January, tender was awarded for phase one of the rehabilitation of the Port Severn area dams and bridges. After further assessment and deliberation on the upcoming work, Parks Canada has decided to shift project mobilization to summer 2018 after the fish spawning window in the region has closed. As a result, the 4 month bridge closure associated with these essential asset repairs is currently scheduled to begin after the Labour Day weekend in September.
While reviewing plans for this project, Parks Canada worked with community stakeholders to better understand the complexity of project timing and implementation. The project schedule was redesigned to avoid in-water work during the fish spawning window to protect important fish species, and to avoid work during the major tourist seasons in the region. This project is integral for maintaining these important public assets in the Port Severn area and we are working to minimize the impact on the community as best as possible.
Phase one of this project will focus on repairs to Blind Dam C, Bayview Dam E and the adjacent fixed bridge. Mobilization to site will begin in early July 2018. After July 15th, the contractor will begin installing a cofferdam at Bayview Dam E to create a dry work space for in-water work. Concrete refacing at the dam will begin immediately following cofferdam installation, while work on Bayview Bridge and Dam C will begin in September. Bayview Bridge will require demolition of the old bridge deck and reconstruction of the concrete abutments. In order to complete this essential structural work, the bridge will require the closure of Port Severn Road North at the bridge from September to December, based on current estimates. Phase one of this project is scheduled to be completed in spring 2019.
Parks Canada would like to thank the community for their continued patience while we undertake this important work. If you would like to be added to our community engagement list for this project, please e-mail and include “Port Severn Area” in the subject heading. For up-to-date news on infrastructure work along the Trent-Severn Waterway, please visit our website:
Port Severn Site Map
Parks Canada Investments into the Port Severn Area
The Port Severn Area Dams and Bridges project is scheduled to begin in 2018 and conclude in 2021. Parks Canada is making significant investments into nine assets at this site to ensure its preservation for generations to come.
The Port Severn Area Dams and Bridges project is part of Parks Canada’s unprecedented $3 billion dollar investment over 5 years to support infrastructure work to heritage, visitor, waterway and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas across Canada.
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