Press Releases
Chambly Canal National Historic Site
Come have fun with us! CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, December 9, 2024 – Parks Canada welcomes families at the parc des Ateliers in Chambly for a third consecutive year to introduce children from 4 to 12 years of age to cross-country skiing. This activity offered by reservation only (starting on December 11 at 8 a.m.). Hurry up, places are limited and will be going fast! Note that in order to offer a learning experience adapted to children of different ages, time slots are reserved for specific age groups. During this 60-minute activity, children will learn the basic techniques of cross-country skiing and how to choose the right equipment. Games will also be organized during the workshop. In addition to introductory cross-country skiing lessons, equipment (snowshoes, cross-country skis, fat bikes) will be available on loan to parents and accompanying adults. You might even get a chance to meet Parka, our friendly mascot! To find out more, visit the Learn-To Winter page. For more information on winter activities at the Chambly Canal, visit the Winter Activities page. Unmaintained And Snow-Cleared Sectors CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, December 5, 2024 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that the path at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site will not be groomed this year between Chambly and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. The section on Sainte-Thérèse Street on the island of the same name, as well as the section between lock No.9 and Bridge No. 10 will be plowed by the City of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, as was the case previously. For the last few years, Parks Canada had been grooming the entire length of the Chambly Canal path. However, the nature of the terrain and weather conditions made maintenance challenging, making it difficult to maintain an optimal surface quality. These constraints resulted in limitations that did not fully meet expectations. All users are asked to exercise caution before embarking on the trail, as snow-covered surfaces can be slippery. To ensure visitor safety, Parks Canada would also like to remind users to stay on the path and to avoid approaching footbridges and locks due to the risk of falling. Parks Canada will continue to work with its partners to develop recreational offerings at the Chambly Canal and to encourage the practice of outdoor winter activities for the year-round enjoyment of all visitors to this exceptional site. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, November 18, 2024 - Starting November 18, 2024, Parks Canada will undertake a series of repairs to the sector gates located near the Gouin Bridge in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. These gates act as additional safety barriers in the event of failure of the lock's main gates, helping to protect the site and its users. The project, which is scheduled to run until April 2025, is essentially aimed at modernizing this infrastructure and ensuring its durability. The sector gates will undergo a thorough mechanical overhaul, including structural repairs that will be complemented by a new coat of paint to improve their long-term protection. In addition, a new concrete slab will be installed to facilitate maintenance and general operation. A major change will also be made to the gates' operating system. The hydraulic mechanism currently in place will be replaced by an electrical system, increasing efficiency and reducing long-term maintenance costs. This work will cause a slight detour for users of the Chambly Canal National Historic Site trail on Rue du Quai, and some parking spaces on this street may be temporarily unavailable. Parks Canada will provide clear signage to guide cyclists and pedestrians safely around the work site. This project is part of a series of sustained investments in the Parks Canada administered historic canal system, aimed at optimizing the infrastructure and preserving this heritage for future generations. CHAMBLY, QUÉBEC, August 30, 2024 – Parks Canada would like to inform the public that work to correct the dike at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site has begun and will continue over the next few days. As a result, Parks Canada is expecting the canal to be open to boaters sometime next week. The water level in the canal was lowered as a precautionary measure following unauthorized work on a dike at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. Following a preliminary technical assessment of the installations and for safety reasons, Parks Canada decided to lower the water level in reach 8 (between locks 8 and 9) and close the Chambly Canal on August 20, 2024. A detailed inspection of the dike took place on August 27, 2024, revealing that the unauthorized excavation had changed the dike's geometry, increasing its vulnerability. The work consists of installing a geotextile followed by the addition of a pipe and a large volume of stone. Parks Canada would like to thank boaters and users for their patience and cooperation. CHAMBLY, QUÉBEC, August 29, 2024 – Parks Canada would like to share an update with the public on the situation at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. The water level in the canal was lowered as a precautionary measure following unauthorized work on a dike at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. Following a preliminary technical assessment of the facilities, and for safety reasons, Parks Canada decided to lower the water level in reach 8 (between locks 8 and 9) and close the Chambly Canal on August 20, 2024. A detailed inspection of the dike took place on the morning of August 27, 2024, revealing that the unauthorized excavation changed its geometry and increased its vulnerability. The engineering inspection identified the corrective measures required for the navigation season to resume as soon as possible. The installation of a geotextile followed by the addition of a pipe and a large volume of stone will be necessary. The implementation schedule is dependent upon the availability of the materials. Parks Canada is working with contractors and suppliers to complete the work as quickly as possible. Three days will be required to raise the water level in the canal and resume navigation. The raising of the water level can be started while completing the corrective work, after which the canal will be ready to welcome boaters again. Although every effort will be made to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, the work will not be completed before the Labour Day long weekend. Parks Canada will inform the public and boaters as soon as possible when the Chambly Canal will be reopened to navigation. CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, August, 22, 2024 - Following unauthorized work carried out on a parcel of land adjacent to the Chambly Canal National Historic Site causing concerning damage to the integrity of the installations, Parks Canada has lowered the water level between Locks No. 8 and 9 as a precautionary measure. A section of the canal road has also been temporarily closed to traffic, and navigation is suspended until further notice. A detailed inspection of the infrastructure, which requires dry conditions, will be completed as soon as possible. The results of these inspections will allow Parks Canada to determine and implement the necessary corrective measures to ensure the safe reopening of the canal. Parks Canada has contacted private docks owners in the Petit-lac area to allow them to secure their assets prior to the precautionary lowering of the water level. Parks Canada is actively working to resolve the situation and will communicate updates to the public and boaters as soon as possible. Beginning today, the Chambly Canal National Historic Site is pleased to welcome boaters for the 2024 boating season. This morning, the Parks Canada team was happy to welcome the first boaters of the season! Whether they’re looking for adventure, fun for the whole family, a chance to explore nature and history, or a break from everyday life, the historic canals administered by Parks Canada in Quebec offer countless fun and unique experiences to suit every visitor’s and boater’s needs. Should you wish to learn more about the historic canals, please consult the Parks Canada Historic canals and waterways Website and follow us on Facebook @QCCanals. Spread the word, and enjoy the 2024 navigational season! Come have fun with us! CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, December 21, 2023 – Parks Canada welcomes families for a second consecutive year at the parc des Ateliers in Chambly to introduce children from 4 to 12 years of age to cross-country skiing. This activity is free and offered by reservation only (starting on December 26). Several prizes will be drawn among the participants; hurry up, places are limited and will be going fast! Note that in order to offer a learning experience adapted to children of different ages, time slots are reserved for specific age groups. During this 60-minute activity, children will learn the basic techniques of cross-country skiing and how to choose the right equipment. Games will also be organized during the workshop. In addition to the initiation to cross-country skiing, other activities will take place on site and snowshoes as well as fatbikes will be available for loan, free of charge. You might even get a chance to meet Parka, our friendly mascot! To learn more about winter outdoor education at the canal, visit our Learn-to Winter webpage. For more information on winter activities at the Chambly Canal, visit the Winter activities webpage. Where: parc des Ateliers, Bourgogne Av., Chambly, QC, J3L 1Z3 When: Saturdays and Sundays from January 13 to February 25, 2024. Cost: Free activity CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, December 5, 2023 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that again this winter, the path at Chambly Canal National Historic Site will be groomed from the Parc des Ateliers in Chambly to Lock No 9, located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. The section on Sainte-Thérèse Street on the island of the same name will be plowed by the City of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, as was the case in previous years. In addition to protecting canal infrastructure, everyone will be able to enjoy the groomed path which provides an opportunity to practise various winter activities including fat biking, snowshoeing, running, and walking. A skating rink will also be set up on the canal by the City of Chambly, between the Bourgogne Street Bridge and Lock 4. Restrooms will be open to users at particular locations along the winter path. Conditions that must be met before the trail can be groomed include ensuring that the ground is frozen, that there is sufficient snow accumulation and that weather conditions are below 0°. The snow will then be compacted until a base of 20 centimeters is in place at which point grooming operations can be carried out regularly. Snow and ice may accumulate on the path surface at any time; please use caution before heading out on the trail. To ensure visitor safety, Parks Canada would also like to remind path users to stay on the groomed path and to avoid approaching footbridges and locks due to the risk of falling. Parks Canada works with its partners to develop the recreational offerings at the Chambly Canal and to encourage the practice of outdoor winter activities for the year-round enjoyment of all visitors to this exceptional site. Parks Canada would like to acknowledge the collaboration of the Cities of Chambly, Carignan and Saint-Jean-sur Richelieu for their support in providing this groomed path. Note that the 13-kilometer-long Lachine Canal National Historic Site trail, located in the heart of Montréal, will also be almost completely groomed by Parks Canada this winter. Chambly, Quebec, November 15, 2023 – Parks Canada will be installing equipment to support geotechnical survey work on the path along the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. The installation of equipment will take place in advance of the survey work which is scheduled to begin November 20. This work aims to characterize the sequences of rock layers that make up the dikes located along the canal to study the water table in these structures. The work will be carried out between November 20 and December 1, 2023. It is important to note that the 1.3 km-long section of path located between bridges No. 7 and 9 in Carignan will be completely closed to users between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays. Alternating traffic is also planned along route 223, between Chemin de la Grande-Ligne and rue des Violettes in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu for a short period of time. We invite users to plan their trips carefully and to respect the instructions of staff and temporary signage on site in order to ensure their safety. Throughout the work, Parks Canada will work closely with its partners to minimize impacts on all users. MONTRÉAL, QUEBEC, July 7, 2023 – Magnet fishing is a growing practice. Although perceived as a means of voluntary environmental clean-up, this activity is strictly prohibited in all historic canals administered by Parks Canada. Under the Historic Canal Regulations (sections 3 and 11.2), the removal of any object from a historic canal is not permitted at any time without first obtaining a permit. At first glance, while the objective of removing objects from the canals may seem commendable, this practice poses a greater risk to the environment and to visitor safety than simply leaving the objects in place. Stirring up the bottom of the canals can not only disturb aquatic habitats but can also release contaminated sediments in sites that have a significant industrial past. Participants may be exposed to the handling of dangerous objects such as weapons or other sharp objects, as well as potentially contaminated elements. Historic canals are made up of various structures whose integrity can also be affected by the practice of this activity. In addition to bridges and footbridges, the canals include weirs and siphons, water, and electrical conduits, and potential archaeological remains that could be damaged or destroyed by the practice of magnetic fishing. Parks Canada's mandate is to protect and conserve cultural and natural resources. Consequently, such an activity cannot be authorized and anyone found in non-compliance could be subject to a fine. Get ready for fun and adventure! CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, June 15, 2023 – All summer long, Parks Canada's Learn-to Outdoor Team invites families to discover fishing and canoeing at the Chambly Canal. Parks Canada-certified guides and instructors will teach you the basics of these activities in a safe and beginner-friendly environment! On June 30, July 2 and 15, and August 5 and 20, youth aged 6 to 17 will enjoy a day-long initiation to sport fishing as part of the Young Sport Fishers' Program. With the support of Canadian Tire, its main partner, and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP), this program promotes a future generation of sport fishers. The program, which was also offered last year, includes excellent coaching and training activities for young fishing enthusiasts. With the authorization of the MFFP, each participant will receive a Young Sport Fisher’s certificate, which will serve as a fishing licence until they turn 18. This activity will take place at the Fort Chambly National Historic Site. Equipment will be provided for all participants, but please bring appropriate clothing and lunch! Visit the Learn-to Fish page for dates and details. Free activity, reservations required by email at: Come paddle the waters of the Chambly Canal! Parks Canada welcomes you from Thursday to Sunday for four weeks this summer at the Pavillon-de-la-Jeunesse Park in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (near Bridge No. 10). Certified instructors will teach you the basics of paddling and controlling a canoe safely, in calm water. Learn-to Canoe is intended for beginners with little or no experience on the water, but good physical condition is necessary to paddle properly. Children aged 5 and over are welcome. There is a limit of three adults per canoe, or two adults and two young children. This activity is free and by reservation only. Several time slots are available between 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Spots are limited and are going fast! Visit the Learn to paddle page to see available dates and reserve your spot. Our team looks forward to welcoming you! CHAMBLY, Quebec, May 19, 2023 – The Chambly Canal National Historic Site is pleased to welcome boaters for the 2023 boating season. This morning, the Parks Canada team was happy to welcome the first boaters of the season! Whether they’re looking for adventure, fun for the whole family, a chance to explore nature and history, or a break from everyday life, the historic canals administered by Parks Canada in Quebec offer countless fun and unique experiences to suit every visitor’s and boater’s needs. Should you wish to learn more about the historic canals, please consult the Parks Canada Website and follow us on Facebook @QCCanals. Spread the word, and enjoy the 2023 navigational season! CHAMBLY, Quebec, Mai 3, 2023 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that lift bridge No. 9, which ensures traffic between the islands of Sainte-Marie in Carignan and Sainte-Thérèse in Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, will be completely closed to traffic on May 4 and 5, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The closure is to allow a balancing study using various measuring instruments to take place. This study is in line with the inspections conducted on the structure last November. A temporary detour will be proposed to users via Bridge No. 10. Parks Canada has planned this work to ensure minimal impact on all users and asks everyone to exercise patience and caution, in addition to respecting the temporary signage. Unique in North America, this lift bridge, inspired by a similar bridge in Cardiff, United Kingdom, has won numerous awards, including the Grand Prix du génie-conseil québécois (Quebec’s grand prize in engineering-consulting), as well as the Steel Design Award of Excellence. Construction of Bridge No. 9 at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site was completed in September 2011. Thanks to its hydraulic system, which operates with vegetable oil, the structure is 100% environmentally friendly and is not harmful to plants or wildlife. CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, January 12, 2023 – On weekends, from January 21 to February 5, 2023, Parks Canada’s Learn-to-Outdoor team welcomes families at the parc des Ateliers in Chambly to introduce 4 to 12-year-olds to cross-country skiing. This activity is free and offered by reservation only. Places are limited and are going fast! Note that in order to offer a learning experience adapted to children of different ages, time slots are reserved for specific age groups. During this 60-minute activity, children will learn the basic techniques of cross-country skiing and how to choose the right equipment. Games will be organized during the workshop. In addition to the initiation to cross-country skiing, animation will take place on site and snowshoes will be available for loan free of charge. While the children participate in the activity, the grown ups can warm up around the braziers while enjoying a roasted marshmallow. You might even get a chance to meet Parka, our friendly mascot! To learn more about winter outdoor education at the canal, visit our website. For more information on winter activities at the Chambly Canal: Where: Parc des Ateliers, Bourgogne Av., Chambly, QC, J3L 1Z3 When: Saturdays and Sundays from January 21 to February 5, 2023. Cost: free activity CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, December 1st, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that work is underway to install two four-season shelters at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. This work, which began on November 21, will be completed by mid-December. The public is invited to come and take advantage of these new shelters installed in Chambly near Locks Nos.1, 2 and 3 and near Lock No. 9, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. A few years ago, a similar shelter was installed at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site to house some of the sanitary facilities for users of the oTENTik alternative housing units. CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, November 30, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that the road signs currently on Migneault Street will soon be updated. By the end of December, all 117 signs will be replaced over a distance of 5.8 km between Maurice Street and Route 223 near Bridge No. 7. Among the main changes, there will be a speed reduction in the curves to 20 km/h as well as the reduction to a single alternating lane under the Route 112 overpass and at the height of Bridge No. 4. A bike lane at the height of the CN bridge will enhance cyclist safety. Parks Canada encourages all visitors to Migneault Street, regardless of their mode of transportation, to exercise caution and vigilance while adapting their driving to the new signage in effect. CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, November 22, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that this winter, the path at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site will be groomed from the Parc des Ateliers in Chambly to Lock No 9, located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. The section on Sainte-Thérèse Street on the island of the same name will be plowed by the City of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu as was the case in previous years. In addition to protecting the canal infrastructure, everyone will be able to enjoy the groomed path which provides an opportunity to practise various winter activities including fat biking, snowshoeing, running and walking. A skating rink will also be set up on the canal by the City of Chambly, between the Bourgogne Street Bridge and Lock 4. Restrooms will be open to users during the cold season at particular locations along the winter path. It is important to note that certain conditions must be met before the trail can be groomed: the ground is frozen, there is sufficient snow accumulation and the weather forecast is favourable (below 0°); once these conditions are met, the snow will be compacted until the base is in place (20 cm of packed snow, depending on the ground surface). Then, grooming operations can be carried out regularly. By then, snow and ice may accumulate on the path surface. Please use caution and good judgment before heading out on the trail, and consult the condition of the path via the Chambly Canal Website to ensure good conditions for the practice of your favorite winter sport. Parks Canada would also like to remind users of the importance of staying on the groomed path and avoiding approaching footbridges and locks; there is a high risk of falling. Parks Canada works with its partners to develop the recreational offerings at the Chambly Canal and to encourage the practice of outdoor winter activities for the year-round enjoyment of all visitors to this exceptional site. Parks Canada would like to acknowledge the collaboration of the City of Chambly, Carignan and Saint-Jean-sur Richelieu for their support in providing this groomed path. Note that the 13-kilometer-long Lachine Canal National Historic Site trail, located in the heart of Montréal, will also be almost completely groomed by Parks Canada this winter. Chambly Canal National Historic Site CHAMBLY, Quebec, November 17, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that lift bridge No. 9, which ensures traffic between the islands of Sainte-Marie in Carignan and Sainte-Thérèse in Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, will be completely closed to traffic on November 28, 2022, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. This closure is to allow for a study of the balance of Bridge No. 9, where experts will carry out a counterweight survey. A temporary detour will be proposed to users via Bridge No. 10. Parks Canada has planned this work to ensure minimal impact on all users and asks everyone to exercise patience and caution, in addition to respecting the temporary signage. Unique in North America, this lift bridge, inspired by a similar bridge in Cardiff, United Kingdom, has won numerous awards, including the Grand Prix du génie-conseil québécois (Quebec’s grand prize in engineering-consulting), as well as the Steel Design Award of Excellence. Construction of Bridge No. 9 at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site was completed in September 2011. Thanks to its hydraulic system, which operates with vegetable oil, the structure is 100% environmentally friendly and is not harmful to plants or wildlife. Work in progress in the Fryer Island Area Chambly, Quebec, October 25, 2022 – Parks Canada is advising that stabilization and repair of a portion of the dike located in the Fryer Island sector of the Chambly Canal National Historic Site will begin at the end of October. The dike is displaying erosion and settlement issues. The work is scheduled to begin once the canal is closed to navigation and water level is lowered, and outside the most critical periods for wildlife. The work will be completed mid-January. This work is necessary to ensure the safety of path users and to ensure the sustainability of the dike. It will result in the temporary closure of a section of the path located between Bridge No 7 and the Old Bridge No 9, in Carignan. No detour will be put in place. Users are asked to exercise caution and respect the signage in place throughout the duration of the work. Parks Canada is leading infrastructure work in places like the Chambly Canal National Historic Site to ensure safe, high-quality experiences for visitors by improving heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas. Consult the info-work. Geotechnical drilling at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site Chambly, Quebec, October 20, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that geotechnical drilling work will begin on the Chambly Canal path in the next few days. This work will include interventions in the sector between Lock No. 3 and Lock No. 7. This work is necessary to ensure the safety of path users and to improve traffic flow. It will result in the temporary closure of this section of the path from October 24 to October 28; a detour will be put in place via the municipal pathway and via the left side of the canal for pedestrians. The path will remain accessible to all users on evenings and weekends. Users are asked to exercise caution and respect the signage in place throughout the duration of the work. Parks Canada is leading infrastructure work in places like the Chambly Canal National Historic Site to ensure safe, high-quality experiences for visitors by improving heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas. Chambly, Quebec, July 11, 2022 – In mid-June, Parks Canada proceeded to cut the fallow land in various areas along the Chambly Canal, thus respecting the development plan and the maintenance schedule. Some areas, called “pollination islands,” remained untouched. For several years, Parks Canada has been looking into setting up pollinator gardens at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. These gardens are spaces of tall grass for which breeding birds have a particular fondness, as do insect pollinators like bees and monarch butterflies. The Chambly Canal is mainly made up of dikes. Dikes are water retention structures that are essential to the safety of visitors, residents and property. They are an integral part of the waterway’s structure since they hold back a large volume of water and thus, allow recreational navigation with the help of a network of locks located along the canal. Dense vegetation on a dike can lead to potential safety problems. Not only can vegetation on the dike make visual monitoring and maintenance difficult or impossible, but if left untended, it degrades the condition of the structure and helps to camouflage burrowing animals. As such, it is necessary to regularly cut all of this vegetation to ensure the sustainability of the facilities and the safety of users and nearby residents. Since the spring of 2022, certain areas have been regularly cut to maintain low vegetation on the dikes. Another cut of the fallow land is planned in the next few weeks. Prior to each vegetation intervention, Parks Canada experts conduct rigorous inspections to assess the presence of monarch nests and eggs on milkweed plants; if detected, a buffer zone is established to protect the eggs and species. The same goes for detecting the presence of animal nests; site surveys and nightly tours using a thermal sensor drone are carried out to detect their presence on the banks. Chambly, July 5, 2022 — On Friday, July 22 at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site, Parks Canada will welcome 20 young people for a day-long initiation into sport fishing as part of the Young Sport Fishers' Program activities. With the support of Canadian Tire, its main partner, and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP), this program promotes the next generation of sport fishers. This Parks Canada activity, which is already sold out, was selected as one of the best projects for coaching and training young anglers. With the authorization of the MFFP, each young person will receive a Young Sport Fisher certificate, which will serve as a fishing licence until they turn 18. During the 2022 summer season, the Fondation expects to reach close to 16,500 new enthusiasts, notably through local organizations that offer Young Sport Fishers introductory activities including quality training on fishing, safety, regulations, habitat and fish biology, followed by a fishing period supervised by qualified resources. Since its inception in 1997, the Young Sport Fishers' Program has introduced more than 320,000 youth to fishing. After a two-year hiatus, we are pleased to be able to offer the Young Sport Fishers' Program in an updated format that is accessible to more youth. Thank you to Parks Canada Agency for ensuring that the next generation of anglers is introduced to sport fishing through their activities and training, The Young Sport Fishers' Program is a presentation of the Fondation de la faune du Québec, with the support of its main partner, Canadian Tire. About us The mission of the Fondation de la faune du Québec is to enhance and promote conservation of wildlife and its habitat. Thanks to the contribution of more than one million hunters, fishers and trappers in Quebec, thousands of donors and numerous private companies, the Fondation has been supporting more than 2,000 organizations throughout Quebec since 1987, creating a true wildlife movement. Borrow your cleaning kit now Chambly, Quebec, June 6 – Parks Canada is proud to support the "Team Up and Clean Up the Shoreline" program, a national initiative to keep Canada's shorelines free of litter, including plastic waste that can remain in the environment for up to 1,000 years. Two of Parks Canada's historic canals in Quebec have been selected to participate in this year's program: the Lachine and Chambly canals will welcome volunteers throughout the summer who would like to contribute to the cleanliness of their favourite canal by lending them the necessary equipment to pick up litter. Interested parties can request their cleaning kit from Parks Canada staff at Locks 1, 2, 3 or 9. Each set contains a bucket, a pair of gloves, a clipboard, a data sheet, a pencil and a scale. Be sure to bring a first aid kit, hand sanitizer and sunscreen! After their collection, participants must keep track of the litter they have collected using a tracking form that will be provided to them. Collecting data amplifies the long-term impact of actions taken; this valuable information helps Parks Canada identify and mitigate sources of canal-side litter. Kits are available in limited quantities. Through this simple act, volunteers will participate in citizen science and contribute to marine litter research. Together, we will help make the shorelines safer for both wildlife and humans. Chambly Canal National Historic Site CHAMBLY, May 20, 2022 – The warm weather is finally here! It’s the perfect time to head back outside and reconnect with the places we love! This morning, the Parks Canada’s team was happy to welcome the first boaters of the 2022 season at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. Are you dreaming of taking part in this wonderful experience? Visit the Parks Canada Website to learn about the many opportunities offered by Canada’s historic canals, and register now for your lockage permit! Spread the word, and enjoy the 2022 navigational season! Many users will be sharing the Chambly Canal path – cyclists, pedestrians and in-line skaters will be among them. Parks Canada asks all visitors to follow the advice of public health experts on physical distancing and invites them to be courteous to make coexistence between all safer and more harmonious! Parks Canada and Nature-Action Québec partner to protect biodiversity Chambly, Quebec, May 19, 2022 – In collaboration with Nature-Action Québec, Parks Canada will soon proceed with the restoration of riparian and aquatic habitats on Fryer Island, mainly for the benefit of the herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) and aquatic fauna found there. More specifically, the project aims to: Teams from Nature-Action Québec and Parks Canada will be on site from May to October to carry out certain priority actions. We ask all visitors to please stay on the designated trails and avoid approaching the targeted areas. Signage will be posted on the site to clearly identify areas to be avoided. This project is made possible through a contribution from the Community Interaction Program linked to the St. Lawrence Action Plan 2011-2026, and implemented by the governments of Canada and Quebec, as well as through the Maritime Affluents Program administered by the St. Lawrence Action Fund (SLF) and coordinated by the Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec (ROBVQ), and thanks to the financial support of the Government of Quebec under Advantage St. Lawrence, the new provincial maritime vision. In parallel with this conservation project, the Agency will soon proceed with the rehabilitation and restoration of the dike located in the Fryer Island area. Significant damage has been observed in recent months; this damage includes holes caused by animals and erosion. Major repair and rehabilitation work is planned for the fall of 2022, after boating season. Construction fencing has already been installed on the site as part of the preparatory work. CHAMBLY, QUEBEC, JANUARY 10, 2021 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that this winter, the path at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site will be groomed from the Parc des Ateliers in Chambly to Bridge No 9, located in Carignan. The section on Sainte-Thérèse Street on the island of the same name and the one between Lock No. 9 and Bridge No. 10 will be plowed by the City of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu as was the case in previous years. It is important to note that certain conditions must be met before the trail can be groomed: the ground is frozen, there is sufficient snow on the ground and the weather forecast is favourable (below 0°); once these conditions are met, the snow will be compacted until the base is in place (20 cm of packed snow, depending on the ground surface). Then, grooming operations can be carried out regularly. Everyone will be able to enjoy the groomed path, which provides an opportunity to practise various winter activities, including fat biking, snowshoeing, running and walking. A skating rink will also be set up in the canal by the City of Chambly, between the Bourgogne Street Bridge and Lock 4. Restrooms will also be open to users during the cold season at particular locations along the winter path. Parks Canada works with its partners to develop the recreational offerings at the Chambly Canal and to encourage the practice of outdoor winter activities for the year-round enjoyment of all visitors to this exceptional site. The Agency would like to acknowledge the collaboration of the City of Chambly, Carignan and Saint-Jean-sur Richelieu for their support in providing this groomed path. Note that the 13-kilometer long Lachine Canal National Historic Site trail, located in the heart of Montréal, will also be almost completely groomed by Parks Canada this winter.
Learn-to-Winter at the Chambly Canal
Winter Activities Along The Chambly Canal
Rehabilitation of the sector gates
Emergency work at the Chambly Canal
Situation update
Emergency lowering of the water level in the Chambly Canal
Situation update
Emergency lowering of the Chambly Canal water level
Chambly Canal National Historic Site officially kicks off its 2024 boating season!
Learn-to-Winter at the Chambly Canal
Winter activities along the Chambly Canal: Groomed path
Geotechnical drilling on the path
Reminder to the public: Magnet Fishing is prohibited in all historic canals administered by Parks Canada
Learn-to Outdoor at the Chambly Canal
Learn-to Fish
Learn-to Canoe
Chambly Canal National Historic Site officially kicks off its 2023 boating season!
Temporary closure of bridge no 9 on may 4 and 5, 2023
Learn-to-Winter at the Chambly Canal
Fun and red cheeks guaranteed!
Installation of four-season shelters
Shelter at the St. Ours Canal NHS whose color has been changed. The two shelters along the Chambly Canal will be built along the same lines, but will house picnic tables rather than a sink area.
Upgrade to road signage on Migneault street
Winter activities along the Chambly Canal: Groomed Path
Temporary closure of bridge no 9 on november 28, 2022
Temporary closure of the canal path in Carignan
Temporary closure of the Chambly Canal Path
Revision of the Vegetation Management Plan
Young sport fishers in action!
Parks Canada Agency and the Fondation de la faune du Québec introduce young people to sport fishing
Team Up and Help Us Clean Up the Shorelines of the Chambly Canal!
Launch of the Boating Season
Land-based visitors
Fryer Island Habitat Restoration
Rehabilitation of the dike
Winter Activities Along The Chambly Canal: Groomed Path
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