Private Docks Installation
Chambly Canal National Historic Site
As part of its responsibility for setting long term management direction for historic canals, Parks Canada is implementing balanced and responsible shoreline management policies that will facilitate the needs of shoreline property owners, yet ensure that the heritage and recreational values of the waterways are sustained for the benefit of current and future generations of Canadians.
We invite you to read the information document that presents the standards for the installation of private docks within the Chambly Canal National Historic Site. This document provides an overall explanation of the types and shapes of docks that are authorized, the minimum and maximum dimensions to be observed, and the material that should be used.
Please note that provincial and federal legislation regarding water quality and fish and wildlife habitat may apply.
Impacts caused by shoreline dock installations in narrow channels
- Public safety concerns relating to competing recreational uses within a restricted portion of the waterbody;
- Disturbance/destruction of cultural resources;
- Accelerated erosion of shorelines as a result of concentrated recreational activity;
- Less habitat available for use by wildlife species (e.g. basking turtles), and increased vulnerability of animals that remain in the area to conflicts with people and boats (e.g. by reptiles, amphibians, waterfowl broods, etc.);
- Further habitat fragmentation where wildlife travel corridors are seasonally disturbed;
- Potential loss of scenic character as a result of inappropriate development of shoreline works;
- Blocking of sunlight needed by aquatic plants thus resulting in a loss of fish habitat;
- Associated human use on land and water, which can result in further habitat loss and disturbance of natural shore vegetation.
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