Tours and programs

Batoche National Historic Site

Batoche visitor shuttle

A shuttle picks up a family by the church. Batoche National Historic Site. 

July and August 
Every day, from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm.

An exciting new way to experience Batoche for an hour or even a whole fun-filled day! This program will allow you to explore unique new places while enjoying a relaxing scenic ride around Batoche. Step on board the 48 passenger Batoche open-sided shuttle and explore the site with ease. Wheelchair and stroller friendly. Fees may apply.

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School programs

Interpreter and visitors in front of Church 

Is your class studying the North West Rebellion/ Métis Resistance? These programs showcase the very best Canada has to offer, telling stories of who we are, including the history, cultures and contributions of Indigenous peoples.

Weekend Activities

Two children help a Parks Canada interpreter feed goats by the garden 

Saturday and Sunday in July and August

Join skilled interpreters and demonstrators in a series of workshops every Saturday and Sunday teaching different skills and Métis crafts while gaining a deeper understanding for Métis culture and art.

Self-guided experiences

Picnics, hiking, bird watching and canoeing

Bring your hiking shoes, binoculars or canoes and explore the amazing views, picnic areas and trails along the South Saskatchewan River.


For those who wish to learn more about who is laid to rest in the Batoche cemetery, a cemetery brochure is available for purchase from the gift shop.

Xplorers for kids!

Do you like to Xplore? You will have FUN doing activities and collecting COOL souvenirs at Batoche National Historic Site and other Parks Canada sites in Saskatchewan. Go to the Visitor Centre and ask to become a Parks Canada Xplorer. Free with entry.

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