Facilities and services
Elk Island National Park
Accessible facilities
The Astotin Theatre, Visitor Information Centre and most park washrooms are wheelchair accessible.
There are paved paths in the Astotin Lake Area that offer beautiful views of the lake. Shoreline trail is also paved. Parts of the trail are flat but there are also several steep hills.
A wheelchair is available for use by visitors, free of charge. It is a 18W (wide) 18D (depth) Ultralight Move wheelchair with a weight capacity 250 lbs. This chair includes integrated push handles and easy propulsion. Intended for use on pavement and flat terrain, this is not an off-road wheelchair and should not be used on unpaved trails. Use of the wheelchair is reservable by calling 780-922-2790. The wheelchair is available from July 1 through October 14 from the Astotin Lake Campground Kiosk.
Enjoy the sun or a picnic right next to Astotin Lake. Although Astotin Lake is not the best swimming lake, the beach offers other enjoyable beach activities; playing in the sand, watching shore birds or dip netting for aquatic bugs!
Electric vehicle charging stations
Four charging stations (2 Tesla, 2 Universal) are located in the southwest corner of the main Astotin Beach Parking Lot. The electric vehicle charging stations are available on a first-come, first-serve basis throughout the year. Users are responsible for monitoring their charging and find another parking spot when their vehicle is fully charged.
Enjoy a roaring fire in one of the designated fire pits. Bundled firewood is available for purchase at the Visitor Information Centre.
Gift shop
Elk Island National Park souvenirs and official Parks Canada merchandise are available at Visitor Information Centre.
Located just inside the park off Highway 16, the Elk Island Visitor Information Centre offers visitors a place to discover the wonders of Elk Island National Park. Curious about a bird sound Wondering how fast a bison can run? Visit Astotin Theatre for programming and information on Elk Island National Park’s natural and cultural heritage.
Interpretive theatre
Located in the Astotin Lake Area, the Astotin Theatre offers visitors a place to discover the wonders of Elk Island National Park. Are you curious about a bird sound that you heard? Are you wondering how fast a bison can run? Visit Astotin Theatre for programming and information on Elk Island National Park’s natural and cultural heritage.
There are many excellent lookout spots throughout the park, including many of the parks’ hiking trails such as Moss Lake and Tawayik. Also located throughout the park are a number of Parks Canada Red Chairs. These locations offer a comfortable place to sit and enjoy some of the best views in the park.
There are parking lots at all trailheads and at the Astotin Lake Area. Please display a valid park pass in vehicles.
Picnic area
Picnic tables and fire pits are located in the Astotin Lake Recreation Area, the Tawayik Lake Recreation Area and the Moss Lake trail head. Enjoy picnicking at Elk Island National Park!
Picnic shelters
Picnic shelters can be found within the Astotin Lake Area or the Tawayik Lake Picnic Area.
The playground is located in the heart of the Astotin Lake Area. Conveniently located next to picnic areas and the Astotin Theatre, it’s a great place for kids to discover the outdoors.
Bus and RV parking
To park a larger vehicle, look for bus/RV parking signs at the Visitor Information Centre and Astotin Lake parking lots. To stay overnight with an RV, check out the park’s camping opportunities.
Flush toilets are available year-round at the Visitor Information Centre, the Astotin Recreation Area and the Astotin Theatre. Pump-out style toilets are also available year-round at all trailheads. Most washrooms are wheelchair accessible.
Canoe rental
Canoe rentals are available in the Astotin Lake area. Kayaks and stand-up paddle boards are also available. (Elk Island Paddle Rentals 1-403-827-3254)
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