Free interpretive programs

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

Are you interested in learning more about the land, the sea, and the people of Gwaii Haanas? If so, we’d love to see you and your group at some of our programs offered in and around beautiful HlG̲aagilda Llnagaay, Skidegate village.

We offer a variety of programs ranging from guided forest and shoreline walks to presentations and interactive activities delivered in the comfort of the Haida Heritage Centre.

Gwaii Haanas guided walks (approximately 90 minutes, dogs not permitted)

Beach walk

Explore along the seashore and meet the strange and beautiful animals and seaweeds that live in the world between the tides.

  • Location: Beach in front of the Haida Heritage Centre in HlG̲aagilda, Skidegate.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours. 
  • Activity level: Moderate, walking distance is 1 km on moist, packed mud. 
  • Group size: Maximum 25 participants. 
  • Special notes: Rubber boots or other water-proof footwear highly recommended. No boots? A limited number are available for loan on a first-come, first-serve basis.
A group tour on the beach

2024 Beach Walk schedule:

  • Wed May 8 at 8:30 am
  • Thurs May 9 at 9:15 am
  • Fri May 10 at 10:00 am 
  • Thurs June 6 at 8:30 am
  • Fri June 7 at 9:00 am
  • Sat June 8 at 9:45 am
  • Mon June 24 at 10:15 am
  • Tue June 25 at 11:00 am 
  • Mon July 22 at 9:00 am
  • Tue July 23 at 9:45 am
  • Wed July 24 at 10:30 am 
  • Tue Aug 20 at 8:45 am
  • Wed Aug 21 at 9:30 am
  • Thurs Aug 22 at 10:15 am  

Note - Schedule may be subject to change without notice. Look for posters at the Haida Heritage Centre in HlG̲aagilda, Skidegate and the Daajing Giids Visitor Information Centre for programming updates and the most up-to-date schedule.

Did you know?

Haida name: K’iiwaay
Scientific name: Mercenaria
English name: Clams
Traditional use: Shells used to make tools and utensils, and the meat harvested, prepared, and eaten. 
Fact: The beach at the Haida Heritage Centre is actually a geoduck clam bed. These unique animals are the largest burrowing clams in the world, weighing an average of 1.5 pounds.  However, individuals weighing over 8 pounds and as much as 3 feet in length are not unheard of.


Haida name: Ḵ'uust'an
Scientific name: Metacarcinus magister
English name: Crab
Traditional use: Food
Fact: All crabs are crustaceans, which means they have an exoskeleton – which essentially means they have their skeleton on the outside. This protects them from predators by acting like a suit of armor.


Haida name: Naw
Scientific name: Enteroctopus dofleini
English name: Giant Pacific Octopus 
Traditional use: Harvested, prepared and eaten
Fact: Octopuses are ranked as the most intelligent invertebrates. They have the ability to solve simple puzzles, open childproof bottles, and use tools.

Spirit Lake hike

Come and explore the sights, sounds and smells of a temperate rainforest with a Gwaii Haanas Interpreter. Discover how the Haida harvested plants and trees to obtain chewing gum, sun block, baby diapers and so much more!

  • Location: Spirit Lake trailhead across the highway from the George Brown Recreation Centre in HlG̲aagilda, Skidegate.
  • Schedule: Fridays at 2 pm, between June 7 and August 23. 
  • Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Activity level: Moderate, with two steep sections, easy pace with many stops along the way - 4.3 km loop.
  • Group size: Maximum 25 participants.
  • Special note: Wear appropriate footwear and clothing for hiking.
A group tour on Spirit lake trail

Note - Schedule may be subject to change without notice. Look for posters at the Haida Heritage Centre in HlG̲aagilda, Skidegate and the Daajing Giids Visitor Information Centre for programming updates and the most up-to-date schedule.

Did you know?

Haida name: Sgan sgwan
Scientific name: Lysichiton americanus
English name: Skunk cabbage 
Traditional use: Preserve food – much like wax paper. 
Fact: Skunk cabbage is found in wet areas, and along streams and in swamps. Although there are no skunks on Haida Gwaii, you may catch is skunky ‘whiff’ which can be attributed to the Skunk Cabbage flower.


Haida name: Ts’uu
Scientific name: Thuja plicata
English name: Red cedar
Traditional use: Diapers, clothing, longhouses, monumental poles, dance regalia, etc. 
Fact: Red cedar, often referred to as the Tree of Live, is used for a wide array of important items. From monumental poles, canoes, and cedar bark weaving, and much more. 


Haida name: S’awan
Scientific name: Rubus spectabilis
English name: Salmon berry
Traditional use: Food, paint 
Fact: In addition to being an important food source, these berries would be crushed into a paste, and used to paint monumental poles. 

Gwaii Haanas programs in the Haida Gwaii Museum

To help visitors create a connection to Gwaii Haanas, we offer 30-minute interactive programs from the comfort of the Haida Heritage Centre and Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay.


Cedar: Tree of Life

From day-to-day items to monumental masterpieces, discover the many ways cedar has been, and continues to be essential to Haida culture. Each participant will receive a small keepsake to bring home.

Ocean Harvesting

Haida people have sourced their food from the ocean since the beginning of time. Learn about the culturally important foods that have sustained the people of Haida Gwaii for generations. Seasonal food sample available.

Where Land & Sea Meet

There is an abundance of life found on the shores. Discover the dynamic and ever-changing intertidal world and meet some of the creatures that call this area home.

Whale of a Tale

An immense diversity of whales can be spotted in the water surrounding Haida Gwaii. Learn more about these incredible animals. How do you measure up next to an orca fin or an adult humpback. Program includes an opportunity to handle a sperm whale tooth and humpback baleen.

Living Landscapes

Want a unique opportunity to learn about the past? A team of Haida knowledge keepers and archeologists are currently unearthing stories from hundreds to thousands of years ago at SGang Gwaay Llnagaay. Handle replica artifacts and learn more about the living culture of this incredible place.

Haida Language

The Haida language is an isolate, meaning there are no other languages like it. There is however a fragility to it because it is unique. Join us as we discuss the language, its history and some of the work being done to protect and revitalize it. Learn a little about the orthography and nuances of HlG̱aagilda Xaayda Kil (Skidegate Haida Language) and come away speaking a few words and phrases.

Educational / Tour groups / Private

Interested in bringing your family, school group, or tour group to discover more about Gwaii Haanas? We offer a variety of fun and engaging educational programs, from orientations to rainforest and seashore explorations. Inquire about a program tailored to meet your needs, contact us for more information.

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