Facilities and services

Wapusk National Park


Parks Canada Visitor Centre in Churchill

The Parks Canada Visitor Centre is currently open.

Visit this Parks Canada cornerstone attraction in Churchill’s historic train station.

The Parks Canada Visitor Centre offers a variety of programs and exhibits which highlight Wapusk National Park, and Prince of Wales Fort and York Factory national historic sites.


Parking is available at the Parks Canada Visitor Centre.


Wheelchair-accessible restrooms with baby-changing stations are available at the Parks Canada Visitor Centre.

Phone and Internet Access

There is no wifi available at the Parks Canada Visitor Centre. A payphone is available.

Accommodations, shops, restaurants in Churchill

For a list of local accommodations, shops, restaurants and commercial tours that are available in Churchill, contact the following:

Travel Manitoba Everything Churchill
Website: www.travelmanitoba.com/churchill

Town of Churchill
P.O. Box 479
Churchill MB R0B 0E0
Phone number: 204-675-8871
Phone number: 204-675-2934 (fax)
Email address: townofchurchill@mts.net
Website: www.churchill.ca

Churchill Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 176
Churchilll MB R0B 0E0
Phone number: 204-675-2022
Phone number: 1-888-389-2327 (toll free)
Website: www.churchillchamber.ca

Licensed tour operators

Visits to Wapusk National Park are primarily done via licensed tour operators in Churchill. A licensed tour operator is required for all activities in the park.

Please contact the companies directly to obtain a description of trips offered, as well as current information regarding trip dates and prices.


Wat’chee Expeditions
P.O. Box 187
Churchill MB  R0B 0E0
Phone number: 204-675-2114
Email address: watchel@mts.net
Website: watchee.com


Aerial tours of Wapusk

Hudson Bay Helicopters (also known as Prairie Helicopters)
Phone number: 204-675-2576
Email address: derek@prairiehelicopters.com
Website: www.prairiehelicopters.com

Multi-use fenced compounds

There are two Parks Canada owned multi-use fenced compounds that can be used for safe camping within Wapusk National Park. Located along on the Broad and Owl Rivers, they can be accessed by canoe, airplane or helicopter. These fenced compounds are bear proof, have some limited facilities for fresh and waste water, and have washrooms.

There is a privately-owned research camp located south of Cape Churchill that is enclosed within a compound. It may be possible to use this camp in an emergency (i.e., equipment breakdown, severe weather event).

Contact the park office to arrange for use of these areas.

Emergency shelter:

  • Nester One Research Camp (Latitude 58.662008, Longitude -93.190604)

Park owned infrastructure:
  • Broad River multi-use fenced compound (Latitude 58.125203, Longitude -92.954484)
  • Owl River multi-use fenced compound (Latitude 57.82781476, Longitude -92.80652142)

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