Trail conditions at Fundy National Park

Fundy National Park


  • Keep in mind that your safety is your own responsibility.
  • Using closed trails increases your risk of serious injury as they are not maintained. Orientation may be difficult and natural hazards can occur. Hikers should always remain on marked trails.
  • Plan ahead, follow signage instructions, and always be prepared. It’s important to note that search and rescue capacity may be limited, could take a long time, and cell phone coverage is not available everywhere in the park.
  • Consult our Visitor safety web site for more information.

Whether you’re out for a leisurely hike or a longer adventure, make your trip a safe one by checking the latest conditions.

You can also contact the Visitor information centre for the most up to date information.

We recommend submiting a trip plan using AdventureSmart so that someone can check to make sure you arrive safe.

Easy trails

These trails are somewhat flat and have a hard packed surface. They are suitable for all visitors, regardless of hiking experience. Fundy also has some trails that are wheelchair accessible.

Rating Trail Condition Comment Links
Easy Caribou Plain Boardwalk Excellent. 03-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Easy Caribou Plain Trail Excellent. 03-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Easy MacLaren Pond Trail Excellent. 09-04-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Easy Shiphaven Trail Excellent. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Easy Alma Beach Excellent. 09-04-2024: Not applicable; Trail details

Moderate trails

Moderate trails will have some elevation gain with short steep sections. We recommend that you have some basic hiking experience for these hikes.

Rating Trail Condition Comment Links
Moderate Blackhorse Trail Good. 23-04-2024: Mainly dry; Trail details
Moderate Dickson Falls Trail Excellent. 13-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Coppermine Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Dobson Link Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate East Branch Trail Good. 10-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Laverty Falls Trail Good. 18-05-2024: Wet and muddy sections; Trail details
Moderate Kinnie Brook Trail Good. 03-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Maple Grove Trail Good. 23-04-2024: Mainly dry; Trail details
Moderate Matthews Head Trail Good. 18-05-2024: Wet and muddy sections; Trail details
Moderate Point Wolfe Beach Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Tracey Lake Trail Groomed. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Herring Cove Beach Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Moderate Pumptrack Good. 18-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details

Difficult trails

Difficult trails can have lots of elevation gain, be steep or even have obstacles. These trails are for visitors who have hiking experience. Please come prepared with the proper equipment.

Rating Trail Condition Comment Links
Difficult Bennett Brook Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Coastal Trail East Good. 09-04-2024: Use caution; Trail details
Difficult Coastal Trail West Good. 18-05-2024: Wet and muddy sections; Trail details
Difficult Foster Brook Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Goose River Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Marven Lake Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Moosehorn Trail Good. 18-05-2024: Wet and muddy sections; Trail details
Difficult The Forks Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Third Vault Falls Trail Good. 13-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Tippen Lot Trail North Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Tippen Lot Trail South Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Upper Salmon River Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details
Difficult Whitetail Trail Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable; Trail details


Rating Trail Condition Comment Links
Easy Herring Cove Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable;  
Easy Point Wolfe Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable;  
Easy Laverty Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable;  
Easy Hastings Good. 17-05-2024: Not applicable;  
Easy Forty Five Closed. 09-04-2024: Snow covered; Icy Sections; Not recommended;  
Easy Shepody Closed. 09-04-2024: Snow covered; Icy Sections; Not recommended;  
Easy Highway 114 - Parking NOT permitted on highway shoulder. Excellent. 09-04-2024: Not applicable;