Citizen science with the iNaturalist App

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Participate in citizen science! Use the iNaturalist mobile app to capture your observations of wildlife at Kejimkujik and Kejimkujik Seaside.

Every observation contributes to our knowledge of biodiversity.

Respect wildlife and stay safe

Please remember to keep a safe distance, never feed wildlife, and stay on designated trails.

Check out the “Ten tips to respect wildlife and stay safe"!

On this page

Current projects

Large predators of Kejimkujik Seaside

Help Parks Canada monitor populations of large predators at Kejimkujik National Park Seaside by reporting observations of black bears, coyotes, or their signs (tracks, scat, etc.).

The data you contribute will help researchers to better understand the habits and distribution of these impressive animals throughout the park's coastal wilderness.

iNaturalist project link: Large predators of Kejimkujik Seaside

Fingers stretch to the length of a bear print in the mud.
American Black Bear print
Photo: Bernadette Kavanaugh – iNaturalist

Kejimkujik area road herptiles

Help Parks Canada gather observations of amphibians and reptiles on roads in Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site.

These observations will inform recommendations for eco-passages and other road mortality mitigation strategies. The observations will be hot-spot mapped to highlight areas of greatest concern.

iNaturalist project link: Kejimkujik area road herptiles

A bright orange/red newt on the road.
Eastern Newt crossing the Main Parkway
Photo: Cody Chapman – iNaturalist

How to participate

1. Using your Android or iPhone, download the iNaturalist app.

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

2. Use the app to photograph the species or its evidence (scat, tracks) you observe.

3. Upload the photos to iNaturalist.

4. Use the app to learn about your findings.

iNaturalist observations

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