Science and conservation
Sable Island National Park Reserve
Sable Island has an ongoing tradition of in-depth, varied, and diverse research, owing to its unique environment and location. Parks Canada works with research partners to facilitate applied research and monitoring activities so that it can fulfill its mandate and make responsible decisions about its management planning and operating practices.
Collaborative stewardship with Mi'kmaq Earth Keepers
Working together to learn about and monitor the endemic Sable Island Sweat Bee at Sable Island National Park Reserve.
Fences in the Sand
An exclosure study about the role of horses on the ecosystems of Sable Island National Park Reserve.
Species at risk
The Ipswich Sparrow, Sable Island Sweat Bee, Roseate Tern, and Barn Swallow are all species at risk at Sable Island National Park Reserve.
Counting the seals
The Grey Seal count of Sable Island National Park Reserve is a citizen-science project available through Zooniverse.
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