
Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve

Welcome to My Homeland

Transcript 00:05 Welcome to my homeland.
00:08 My small granny travelled these mountains by foot.
00:12 She was a midwife;
00:15 she travelled through them, delivering babies.
00:18 She was a healer.
00:21 She knew the trails and helped people.
00:24 My family shares her stories of this land.
00:28 Creeks, hot springs, mountains, and animals;
00:33 Elders have stories for the nature found in Nááts’įhch’oh.
00:38 Stories that teach us how to respect the land.
00:43 The land is important for everyone.
00:50 I grew up in Tulita in the Sahtu.
00:53 The land and the animals still provide for my community.
00:57 My elders taught me, when you take from the earth, you must always give something back.
01:04 When we travel we make an offering to the land, the water and our ancestors.
01:12 We ask for safe travels.
01:15 We encourage visitors to do the same.
01:22 There are places here of great power and healing.
01:28 When I come to the park, I am guided by my ancestors.
01:34 The land brings me closer to my Elders’ stories.
01:39 It reminds me where the Dene and Métis people come from and who we are today.
01:46 Respect our land as we do.
01:50 I am a Sahtu Métis and I would like to welcome you to my homeland.

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