Photo; F. Mueller
Making a Trip Reservation
Trip Reservation, Registration and Deregistration are required for all overnight trips in Nahanni National Park Reserve and Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve. Reservation bookings reduce congestion in high use areas. Registration and deregistration are mandatory for your trip safety. This system helps keep the parks’ wilderness character intact and provides a safe and pleasant experience.
Group size for both park reserves is 12 people max. We accept reservations on a first-come, first-served basis. Peak visitation is from July 1 to August 15. Make your reservation as early as you can. This improves chances of getting your preferred dates. You should plan both preferred and alternate camping dates for locations with limited capacity.
There is limited camping space at Náįlįcho (Virginia Falls). This prevents congestion on the portage around the falls. The portage trail is in a confined location that is steep and narrow. Camping is a maximum of two nights at Náįlįcho. Park employees are present at Náįlįcho throughout peak season.
Camping space is also limited at Nááts’įhch’oh Tué (Moose Ponds), Gahnįhthah Mı̨́e, Glacier Lake, and Fairy Meadows. These areas have high environmental and cultural significance. There are no facilities at Nááts’įhch’oh Tué (Moose Ponds). There are rustic, unmaintained facilities at the other locations.
Plan before you reserve
Review the Trip Planning Resources available on this website. Please feel welcome to contact the Nahanni National Park Reserve main office at (867) 695-6558 and/or Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve (867) 588-4884 for further assistance with trip planning.
To help estimate how long it will take to reach Náįlįcho (Virginia Falls) from your start location, on average allow:
- 2 to 3 days paddling time from Gahnįhthah Mįe (Rabbitkettle Lake)
- 6 to 7 days paddling time from Island Lakes
- 10 days paddling time from the Nááts’įhch’oh Tué (Moose Ponds)
- 10 days paddling time from Divide Lake starting on the Broken Skull River
- 10 days paddling time from Flat Lakes starting on the Little Nahanni River
Remember that exact times will vary widely depending on the speed of the current, the weather, the amount of off-river hiking your group participates in, etc.
Make your reservation
Complete the Reservation Request Form and email the completed form to nahanni.info@pc.gc.ca The Northern Backcountry Excursion Fee of $231.50 per person (Canadian funds) must be paid to secure your reservation. Please phone the main office at (867) 695-6558 to make your payment.
Reservation cancellations
If you cancel your reservation prior to March 31, then 50% of your reservation fee is refundable. Cancellations after March 31 are non-refundable. If you must cancel your trip after March 31, you may defer your reservation to the following year.
Register and deregister
Contact the Nahanni National Park Reserve Office in person, by phone or by email within 24 hours of entering either park reserve to register your trip. When you register, park employees will:
- confirm the information provided on your Reservation Form is up to date and accurate;
- Give you public safety information such as area closures, locations of recent bear activity, current forest fires, bans on open fires, etc.
You must contact the office within 24 hours of leaving the park reserve to deregister your trip. You can deregister your group in different ways depending on where you finish your trip:
- deregister in person at the Nahanni National Park Office in Nahanni Butte during regular office hours;
- deregister by telephone or in person during regular office hours at the park office in Lįįdłįį Kų́ę́ (Fort Simpson)
- If telephoning after business hours, please leave a message.
Not registering and deregistering your trip may result in legal action and/or emergency response action. We recommend that you plan for extra trip days due to weather and other factors that may delay your trip plans.
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