The primary objective of national parks is to protect for all time representative natural areas of Canadian significance in a system of national parks, and to encourage public understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of this unique heritage so as to leave it unimpaired for future generations. In order to ensure that national parks remain unimpaired, rules and regulations apply to users of national parks. The National Parks Act gives Parks Canada the authority to establish and enforce regulations.
The following regulations are of particular importance for all users of Nahanni National Park Reserve. They are provided as brief information statements for convenience only. Please read the Superintendent's Orders for detailed permit requirements, restrictions and prohibitions.
Summary of Rights, Restrictions & Regulations
- All Day use, overnight and multiday visitors must pay a park user fee which can be purchased through the park office or paid upon arrival at Virginia Falls. Virginia Falls and Glacier Lake are the only two sites where day use is permitted.
All overnight and multiday visitors must register in person or by phone with the park office, prior to entering the park. When leaving the park all visitors must deregister within 24hours of the deregistration date indicated on your registration form. Deregistration can be done by contacting the Park Office by phone or in person.
Zone 1 Special Preservation Areas are closed off to all Park Visitors. No person shall enter a Zone 1 area in the park unless authorized by permit or when accompanied by a park employee.
There are seven locations within Nahanni National Park Reserve which have been designated Zone 1 - Special Preservation Area.
- These are:
- Rabbitkettle Hotsprings Tufa Mounds
- Wildmint Hotsprings
- Old Pots Hotsprings
- Grotte Valerie
- Yohin Lake
- Sand Blowouts
- Deadmen Valley Sheep Licks
- No person shall enter a cave in the park.
- Open fires for cooking or heat are not permitted in Nahanni National Park Reserve. All fires must be contained within a portable stove such as fire-box or fire-pan.
- No person shall dispose of garbage in the park. All garbage and waste must be packed out.
- No person shall feed, attempt to feed, bait or attract, or touch wildlife in the park.
- Park visitors planning to sport fish in the park must be in possession of a valid Nahanni National Park Reserve fishing permit, and they must fish within accordance of the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations.
- No person shall remove, deface, damage or destroy any flora or natural objects in the park. Examples include antlers, fossils, rocks, feathers, flowers and berries.
- No person shall remove any cultural object from the park.
- A permit is required for any Natural, Archaeological, or Social Science Research.
- All Custodial Groups (institutional group where at least one person is less than 18 years of age and that minor is not in the company of his/her parent) require a valid custodial permit for overnight and multiday visitation in the park.
- Businesses wishing to operate in the park must be in possession of a valid business license.
- Commercial production of still photography, film and video require a valid filming permit.
- Aircraft access into the park is allowed by permit only, and is restricted to designated landing sites. The following sites are designated as landing areas:
- Aboriginal people are allowed to hunt, trap, fish and harvest within the park in support of their traditional harvesting rights.
- Non Aboriginal people are not permitted to hunt in the park unless they are a client with one of the three Licensed Hunting Guide Outfitters that currently operate within the expansion area of Nahanni National Park Reserve.
- No other person is allowed to discharge a firearm in the park.
- Park visitors who are not an Aboriginal harvester or client being guided by a licensed hunting outfitter and intend to travel through the park with a firearm are not to be in possession of that firearm in the park unless the firearm is not loaded and is transported in a case, or wrapped and tied securely in such a manner that no part of the firearm is exposed. The firearm cannot be carried outside a vessel (canoe, raft), or an aircraft unless the firearm is being carried directly to that persons premises (campsite) and then back to their vessel, or an aircraft.
- Motorized use access in the park is restricted to Aboriginal people who are pursuing their traditional harvesting rights.
- No other person shall operate a motor boat, all-terrain vehicle, over snow vehicle, or motorized vehicle in the park.
- Existing roads in Nahanni National Park Reserve are restricted access only and are not open to the public for motorized use.
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