Flying In and Around
Tuktut Nogait National Park
National Parks and Historic Sites in Canada’s Western Arctic
Helicopters, Fixed-Wings, UAVs/Drones, and other aircraft can have a negative impact on wildlife and visitors. Please adhere to the following regulations and guidelines to minimize your impact while flying in and near national parks and historic sites.
In Canada it is unlawful to operate aircraft in or near national parks and national historic sites in a manner that disturbs wildlife.
- If an aircraft causes an animal to move, flee, or shows signs of distress, then it is too close
- Never circle, chase, hover over, dive bomb, or pursue wildlife
- Whenever possible, minimize the amount of time circling before landing
- Do not alter the flight path to approach wildlife, and avoid flying directly over animals or marine life.
- Caribou calving grounds should be avoided whenever possible
- Avoid congregations of animals
- Transport Canada recommends that overflights should be conducted at least 2000ft AGL over National Parks and Historic Sites, except for landings, take-offs, or when required for safety
- Maintain an altitude of 3500ft AGL above bird sanctuaries and areas with bird concentrations (colonies or moulting areas)
- Plan routes that minimize flights over habitats likely to have birds and avoid sensitive areas such as seabird colonies, breeding colonies, moulting areas and raptor nesting sites
Aircraft landings are restricted and Aircraft Access Permits are required prior to taking off or landing in national parks and national historic sites.
- Aircraft Access Permits are not to be used for wildlife viewing, filming, or photography. Separate permits are required for these activities.
- All commercial aircraft companies planning to operate in the national parks must also possess a National Parks Business License
- Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, Drones) also requires permits.
Help protect these special places…
Report any cases of wildlife harassment, illegal landings, suspicious aircraft, or other illegal activities to Park Wardens:1-780-852-3100 or 1-877-852-3100 (Toll Free)
For more information or to apply for permits:Parks Canada
Western Arctic Field Unit
PO Box 1840
81 Kingmingya Road
Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T0
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