© Parks Canada / Fritz Mueller
Tuktut Nogait lies 40 kilometres east of the community of Paulatuk and 425 kilometres northeast of the town of Inuvik. Inuvik is the largest community in the region and is serviced daily by scheduled aircraft from southern Canada. There are Park Offices in both Inuvik and Paulatuk.
There are no visitor facilities, services, campgrounds or developed hiking trails within the park.
Parks Canada Agency
Western Arctic Field Unit
P.O. Box 1840
Inuvik, Northwest Territories
X0E 0T0
Tel: (867) 777-8800
Fax: (867) 777-8820
Email: infoinuvik-inuvikinfo@pc.gc.ca
Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
P.O. Box 91
Paulatuk, Northwest Territories
X0E 1N0
Tel: (867) 580-3233
Fax: (867) 580-3234
Email: infoinuvik-inuvikinfo@pc.gc.ca
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