For visitor safety, it is mandatory that all visitors participate in an orientation session, register with Parks Canada and obtain a permit prior to accessing the park and to de-register upon completion of the trip.

Reserve a time with staff at the Parks Canada office in Inuvik to go through the orientation and registration process. Allow about one hour for orientation and registration.

Hornaday RiverHornaday River
© Parks Canada / C.Bucher


The orientation process is aimed at reducing the number of safety incidents, reducing environmental impacts, increasing awareness and understanding of the park and the associated natural and cultural heritage. During the orientation process, Parks Canada staff will provide you with information on the hazards present in the park, risks associated with your planned activities, the current route conditions, weather, water levels, area closures, park regulations, bear safety, points of interest along your proposed route, backcountry etiquette expectations and more.


Before or during the registration process your party will provide:

  • group member contact information (names and addresses);
  • the name, address and phone number of an emergency contact for each group member;
  • a list of your equipment (the brand, number, colour, model of boats, tent, radio, and sat phone number);
  • information about the type of activity you will undertake;
  • your detailed itinerary;
  • your planned de-registration date (the date you plan to leave the park)
  • payment of the Northern Park Backcountry Excursion / Camping Fee*

canoe in rapids
Running rapids
© Parks Canada

At the end of the registration and orientation process Parks Canada will provide the party with a:

  • Free aircraft landing permit if applicable
  • Northern Park Backcountry Excursion/Camping Permit**

  • *Fees are charged at most national parks. Most of the money raised through admission fees remains in the national park where it is collected. This means that every time you visit a national park you are investing in its future—and in a legacy for future generations.

    **The annual Northern Park Backcountry Excursion/Camping Permit is valid for the following national parks:
    Vuntut, Nahanni, Aulavik, Ivvavik, Tuktut Nogait, Auyuittuq, Quttinirpaaq, Sirmilik,

    De-registering your trip:

    Your de-registration date is the day that you anticipate leaving the park and contacting the Parks Canada staff to de-register. It is essential that your planned de-registration date be as accurate as possible. A search and rescue response may be initiated when a group has failed to de-register and an initial investigation suggests a group is overdue or when a distress signal is reported. In the case of an overdue group, a physical search may not occur until at least 48 hours after the de- registration date has passed. The information that you provide to Parks Canada staff during the registration process, such as a detailed description of your itinerary and equipment, becomes very important should a rescue be required.

    To de-register contact the staff at the Parks Canada office in Inuvik either in person or by leaving a message on the phone indicating which party you are de-registering. If you wish to speak to a Parks Canada staff person, please call during office hours, or contact the duty officer.

    Users who fail to de-register place an unnecessary burden on limited search and rescue capabilities potentially making them unavailable for a real emergency and place rescue staff in unnecessary danger.

    Remember to de-register!


    THE DUTY OFFICER AT 867-678-0705


    (June – August)

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