La Mauricie National Park

50th anniversary
In 2020, La Mauricie National Park celebrated its 50th anniversary! Let’s mark half a century of conservation, experiences and memories.

Guardians of the Park's Health
Follow the conservation team as it monitors the ecological integrity of La Mauricie National Park.
La Mauricie National Park is being restored to health
The mission of the conservation team is to understand, protect and restore the ecosystems of La Mauricie National Park with a view to preserving their ecological integrity.
September 17, 2013
(Start of video showing Parks Canada identifiers. Start of continuous music.
Three kayaks on a jetty on the shore of a lake in La Mauricie National Park. The title of the video, "La Mauricie National Park is Being Restored to Health" appears, then disappears.
The view out over Wapizagonke Lake from the Le Passage Lookout. The images speed up. The subtitle “Ecosystem Protection” appears, then disappears. The subtitle “Ecosystem Restoration” appears, then disappears. The subtitle “Ecosystem Integrity” appears, then disappears.
Four video sequences appear at the same time. 1. Four employees conduct a prescribed burn in the forest. 2. Two employees take the measurements of a wood turtle. 3. An employee releases some brook trout into a lake. 4. Two employees load logs onto a floating pontoon on a lake. The subtitle “The conservation team in action” appears, then disappears.
A forest is on fire. A close-up of a burning forest. The subtitle “Imitating nature to renew the forest” appears, then disappears.
An employee walks through the forest, using a drip torch to ignite a fire. A series of four close-ups of a burning forest. A view of the smoke rising above a prescribed burn, as seen from Le Passage Lookout. The subtitle “Supporting the survival of species through prescribed burns” appears, then disappears.
A section of forest is sprayed by an automatic sprinkler. An employee hoses down the forest. A building is sprayed by an automatic sprinkler. A close-up of a charred forest without flames, where there is still a bit of smoke.
Nine enthusiastic employees shake hands now that the prescribed burn has been completed. The subtitle “Results: 8.4 km2 restored” appears, then disappears. View of a large white pine, from top to bottom. The subtitle “More white pines and oaks can now be seen” appears, then disappears.
An employee walks in the vicinity of the wood turtle egg-laying site. The subtitle “Observing the wood turtle, a threatened species” appears, then disappears. An employee holds and observes a wood turtle. A close-up of this turtle. An employee measures the dimensions of a turtle using a vernier scale. An employee weighs a turtle while her colleague jots down this information.
Seven turtle hatchlings crawl across the sand. The subtitle “Increasing the turtle population through the protection of its habitat and egg-laying sites” appears, then disappears. A wire mesh covers a nest from which six turtle hatchlings begin to emerge. A close-up of a tent serving as an observatory of the egg-laying site.
A wood turtle uses its back legs to dig a nest. The subtitle “Baby turtles are now seen along the shoreline of Wapizagonke Lake” appears, then disappears. A close-up of six turtle hatchlings crawling out of the nest.
Two employees travel across a lake aboard a floating pontoon. A pan of the shoreline of a lake containing numerous logs and tree trunks. The subtitle “Eliminating traces of the log-driving era” appears, then disappears.
Near a lakeshore, two employees use a pike pole to hook logs at the bottom of the lake and stack them on the pontoon. The subtitle “Allowing the lakes to return to their natural form” appears, then disappears. An underwater shot of the pole used to hook a log and remove it. Two employees stack a log on board the pontoon.
A truck operator loads logs onto a trailer from a stack located on the berm of Parkway. The subtitle “50,000 logs retrieved, 17 old dams removed, 35 km of cleared shoreline” appears, then disappears. Two young adults frolic in the water along the shore of Bouchard Lake. The subtitle “More attractive lakes for visitors” appears, then disappears.
An underwater shot of approximately 30 young brook trout (fingerlings). The subtitle “Restoring the brook trout to its rightful place” appears, then disappears.
Two employees aboard a boat catch brook trout with a net. Two employees put the trout into a plastic tub on board the boat. The subtitle “Establishing new populations through artificial fertilization…” appears, then disappears. A close-up of an employee taking the measurements of a live trout.
Two employees put live trout into large plastic bags filled with water. The subtitle “… and through relocation” appears, then disappears. A close-up of several bags filled with trout. An employee transfers the bags onto a float plane. A float plane sets down on a lake. The subtitle “40,800 fingerling trout introduced, 3,400 trout captured and relocated, 7 lakes once again inhabited” appears, then disappears.
An employee releases brook trout into a lake. The subtitle “Protecting and enjoying them now… Leaving them intact for the future” appears, then disappears. The subtitle “For further information” appears, then disappears. The trout swim away from the shore.
Official Parks Canada credits. End of music.)
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