Forest Birds
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve

About 45 species of nesting and non-nesting forest birds visit the islands of the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve at different times during the year. In most cases, they are found in the shrubby portion of the peatbogs, along the edge of the boreal forest. Several species are also found at the junction between the boreal forest and the barrens. This diversity of avian species reflects the predominance of conifers in the park.

Among the main species of forest birds are scissor-beaks, longspears, crows, finches, tree creepers, thrashes, juncos, waxwings, merles, tits, jays, flycatchers, kinglets, parulis, woodpeckers, troglodytes, nuthatches, siskins and vireos. Most of these birds are difficult to see in thick shrubs, but, depending on the season, it is possible to hear a symphony of songs in the morning. Spruce grouse females can sometimes be seen along trails with their youngs.
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